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Sharon Billings

Billings, Sharon A., and William H. Schlesinger. 2015. “Letter To The Editor On ‘Pyrogenic Organic Matter Production From Wildfires: A Missing Sink In The Global Carbon Cycle’”. Global Change Biology 21 (8): 2831 - 2831. doi:10.1111/gcb.2015.21.issue-810.1111/gcb.12836.
Billings, Sharon A., Susan E. Ziegler, William H. Schlesinger, Ronald Benner, and Daniel de B. Richter. 2012. “Predicting Carbon Cycle Feedbacks To Climate: Integrating The Right Tools For The Job”. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/2012EO190007.
Lichter, J., Sharon A. Billings, Susan E. Ziegler, D. Gaindh, R. Ryals, A.C. Finzi, R.B. Jackson, E.A. Stemmler, and William H. Schlesinger. 2008. “Soil Carbon Sequestration In A Pine Forest After 9 Years Of Atmospheric Co2 Enrichment”. Global Change Biol. 14: 2910-2922.