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Richard Ostfeld

Fischhoff, Ilya R., Sarah E. Bowden, Felicia Keesing, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Tick-Borne Disease Risk Factors In Residential Yards, Neighborhoods, And Beyond”. Bmc Infectious Diseases 19 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4484-3.
Han, Barbara A., and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Topic Modeling Of Major Research Themes In Disease Ecology Of Mammals”. Journal Of Mammalogy 100 (3). Oxford University Press (OUP): 1008-1018. doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyy174.
Landesman, W.J., Kenneth Mulder, B. F. Allan, Laura Bashor, Felicia Keesing, Kathleen M. LoGiudice, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Potential Effects Of Blood Meal Host On Bacterial Community Composition In Ixodes Scapularis Nymphs”. Ticks And Tick-Borne Diseases 10 (3): 523 - 527. doi:10.1016/j.ttbdis.2019.01.002.
Mowry, Stacy, Felicia Keesing, Ilya R. Fischhoff, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Predicting Larval Tick Burden On White-Footed Mice With An Artificial Neural Network”. Ecological Informatics 52: 150 - 158. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.04.002.
Dhawan, Rahul, Ilya Fischhoff, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2018. “Effects Of Weather Variability On Population Dynamics Of White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus Leucopus) And Eastern Chipmunks (Tamias Striatus)”. Journal Of Mammalogy. Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyy126.
Keesing, Felicia, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2018. “The Tick Project: Testing Environmental Methods Of Preventing Tick-Borne Diseases”. Trends In Parasitology 34 (6): 447 - 450. doi:10.1016/
Ostfeld, Richard S., Taal Levi, Felicia Keesing, Kelly M. Oggenfuss, and Charles D. Canham. 2018. “Tick-Borne Disease Risk In A Forest Food Web”. Ecology 99 (7): 1562 - 1573. doi:10.1002/ecy.2386.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., J. C. Burtis, Felicia Keesing, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2018. “Tritrophic Interactions Between A Fungal Pathogen, A Spider Predator, And The Blacklegged Tick”. Ecology And Evolution 8 (16): 7824 - 7834. doi:10.1002/ece3.4271.
Emmering, Quinn C., Janice K. Kelly, Richard S. Ostfeld, and Kenneth Schmidt. 2018. “Variation In Coexisting Birds To Exploit Spatial Heterogeneity In Small Mammal Activity”. Journal Of Avian Biology 49 (12). doi:10.1111/jav.01946.
Ostfeld, Richard S., Dustin Brisson, Kelly M. Oggenfuss, Jill Devine, Michael Z. Levy, and Felicia Keesing. 2018. “Effects Of A Zoonotic Pathogen, Borrelia Burgdorferi, On The Behavior Of A Key Reservoir Host”. Ecology And Evolution: 4074 - 4083. doi:10.1002/ece3.3961.