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Michael Pace

Moore, M. V., Michael L. Pace, J.R. Mather, P.S. Murdoch, Robert W. Howarth, C.L. Folt, C.Y. Chen, H.F. Hemond, P.A. Flebbe, and Charles T. Driscoll. 1997. “Potential Effects Of Climate Change On Freshwater Ecosystems Of The New England/Mid-Atlantic Region”. Hydrol. Process 11: 925-947.
Cottingham, Kathryn L., S.E. Knight, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, and A.E. Wagner. 1997. “Response Of Phytoplankton And Bacteria To Nutrients And Zooplankton: A Mesocosm Experiment”. J. Plank. Res. 19: 995-1010.
del Giorgio, P. A., Y.T. Prairie, and Michael L. Pace. 1997. “Robert H. Peters Honored With Aslo's Citation For Scientific Excellence”. ASLO Bull.
Strayer, David L., J. Powell, P. Ambrose, L. C. Smith, Michael L. Pace, and David T. Fischer. 1996. “Arrival, Spread, And Early Dynamics Of A Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Population In The Hudson River Estuary”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1143-1149.
Christensen, D.L., Stephen R. Carpenter, Kathryn L. Cottingham, S.E. Knight, J.P. LeBouton, D.E. Schindler, N. Voichick, Jonathan J. Cole, and Michael L. Pace. 1996. “Pelagic Responses To Changes In Dissolved Organic Carbon Following Division Of A Seepage Lake”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 553-559.
Pace, Michael L., and Jonathan J. Cole. 1996. “Regulation Of Bacteria By Resources And Predation Tested In Whole-Lake Experiments”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 1448-1460.
Felip, M., Michael L. Pace, and Jonathan J. Cole. 1996. “Regulation Of Planktonic Bacterial Growth Rates: The Effects Of Temperature And Resources”. Microb. Ecol. 31: 15-28.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., Michael L. Pace, and David T. Fischer. 1996. “Spatial And Temporal Variability In The Lower Food Web Of The Tidal Freshwater Hudson River”. Estuaries 19: 866-873.
Pace, Michael L., and P. A. del Giorgio. 1996. “In Memoriam Dr. Robert H. Peters”. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
Carpenter, Stephen R., D.L. Christensen, Jonathan J. Cole, Kathryn L. Cottingham, X. He, James R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, et al. 1995. “Biological Control Of Eutrophication In Lakes”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29: 784-786.