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Michael Pace

Chan, F., Michael L. Pace, Robert W. Howarth, and Roxanne Marino. 2004. “Bloom Formation In Heterocystic Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria: The Dependence Of Colony Size And Zooplankton Grazing”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 2171-2178.
Palmer, M. A., Emily S. Bernhardt, E. Chornesky, S. Collins, Andrew P. Dobson, C. Duke, B. Gold, et al. 2004. “Ecology For A Crowded Planet”. Science 304: 1251-1252.
Pace, Michael L., P. A. del Giorgio, David T. Fischer, R. Condon, and Heather M. Malcom. 2004. “Estimates Of Bacterial Production Using The Leucine Incorporation Method Are Influenced By Differences In Protein Retention Of Microcentrifuge Tubes”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 2: 55-61.
Pace, Michael L. 2003. “The Utility Of Simple Models In Ecosystem Science”. In C. D. Canham, J. J. Cole, And W. K. Lauenroth (Eds.). Models In Ecosystem Science, 49-62. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Duarte, C. M., J. Amthor, D.L. DeAngelis, L. A. Joyce, R.J. Maranger, Michael L. Pace, J. Pastor, and S. Running. 2003. “The Limits To Models In Ecology”. In C. D. Canham, J. J. Cole, And W. K. Lauenroth (Eds.). Models In Ecosystem Science, 437-451. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Houser, J.N., Darren L. Bade, Jonathan J. Cole, and Michael L. Pace. 2003. “The Dual Influences Of Dissolved Organic Carbon On Hypolimnetic Metabolism: Organic Substrate And Photosynthetic Inhibition”. Biogeochemistry 64: 247-269.
Pace, Michael L., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2002. “Synchronous Variation Of Dissolved Organic Carbon And Color In Lakes”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 333-342.
Reche, I., and Michael L. Pace. 2002. “Linking Dynamics Of Dissolved Organic Carbon In A Forested Lake With Environmental Factors”. Biogeochemistry 61: 21-36.
Carpenter, Stephen R., Jonathan J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, and Michael L. Pace. 2002. “Pathways Of Organic Carbon Utilization In Small Lakes: Results From A Whole-Lake 13C Addition And Coupled Model”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 1664-1675.
Marino, Roxanne, F. Chan, Robert W. Howarth, Michael L. Pace, and Gene E. Likens. 2002. “Ecological And Biogeochemical Interactions Constrain Planktonic Nitrogen Fixation In Estuaries”. Ecosystems 5: 719-724.