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S. Collins

Tank, Jennifer L., E. Marti, T. Riis, D. von Schiller, Alexander J. Reisinger, Walter K. Dodds, M.R. Whiles, et al. 2017. “Partitioning Assimilatory Nitrogen Uptake In Streams: An Analysis Of Stable Isotope Tracer Additions Across Continents”. Ecological Monographs 88 (1): 120-138. doi:10.1002/ecm.1280.
Norman, B. M., M.R. Whiles, S. M. Collins, A.S. Flecker, Stephen K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, Emma J. Rosi, et al. 2017. “Drivers Of Nitrogen Transfer In Stream Food Webs Across Continents”. Ecology 98 (12): 3044 - 3055. doi:10.1002/ecy.2009.
Soranno, Patricia A, Linda C. Bacon, Michael Beauchene, Karen E. Bednar, Edward G. Bissell, Claire K Boudreau, Marvin G Boyer, et al. 2017. “Lagos-Ne: A Multi-Scaled Geospatial And Temporal Database Of Lake Ecological Context And Water Quality For Thousands Of Us Lakes”. Gigascience 6 (12): 1 - 22. doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix101.
Collins, S. M. 2015. “Understanding The Effects Of Consumers And Light On Stream Food Webs Using Stable Isotope Techniques”. Ithaca: Cornell University.
Dodds, Walter K., S. M. Collins, Stephen K. Hamilton, J.L. Tank, S.L. Johnson, J.R. Webster, Kevin S. Simon, et al. 2014. “You Are Not Always What We Think You Eat: Selective Assimilation Across Multiple Whole-Stream Isotopic Tracer Studies”. Ecology 95 (10): 2757 - 2767. doi:10.1890/13-2276.1.