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Stephen Hamilton

Burgin, Amy J., Stephen K. Hamilton, Wayne S. Gardner, and Mark J. McCarthy. 2014. “Nitrate Reduction, Denitrification, And Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction To Ammonium In Wetland Sediments”. In Methods In Biogeochemistry Of Wetlands, 519-537. doi:10.2136/sssabookser10.c28.
Dodds, Walter K., S. M. Collins, Stephen K. Hamilton, J.L. Tank, S.L. Johnson, J.R. Webster, Kevin S. Simon, et al. 2014. “You Are Not Always What We Think You Eat: Selective Assimilation Across Multiple Whole-Stream Isotopic Tracer Studies”. Ecology 95 (10): 2757 - 2767. doi:10.1890/13-2276.1.
Kinsman-Costello, Lauren E., Jonathan O'Brien, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2014. “Re-Flooding A Historically Drained Wetland Leads To Rapid Sediment Phosphorus Release”. Ecosystems 17 (4): 641-656. doi:10.1007/s10021-014-9748-6.
Thobaben, Eric T., and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2014. “The Relative Importance Of Groundwater And Its Ecological Implications In Diverse Glacial Wetlands”. American Midland Naturalist 172 (2): 205-218. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-172.2.205.
Jardine, T. D., W. L. Hadwen, Stephen K. Hamilton, S. Hladyz, S. M. Mitrovic, K. A. Kidd, W . Y. Tsoi, et al. 2014. “Understanding And Overcoming Baseline Isotopic Variability In Running Waters”. River Research And Applications 30 (2): 155-165. doi:10.1002/rra.2630.
Robertson, Philip, Katherine L. Gross, Stephen K. Hamilton, Douglas A. Landis, Thomas M. Schmidt, Sieglinde S. Snapp, and Scott M. Swinton. 2014. “Farming For Ecosystem Services: An Ecological Approach To Production Agriculture”. Bioscience 64 (5): 404-415. doi:10.1093/biosci/biu037.
Ward, D. P., A. Petty, S. A. Setterfield, M. M. Douglas, K. Ferdinands, Stephen K. Hamilton, and S. Phinn. 2014. “Floodplain Inundation And Vegetation Dynamics In The Alligator Rivers Region (Kakadu) Of Northern Australia Assessed Using Optical And Radar Remote Sensing”. Remote Sensing Of Environment 147: 43-55. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.02.009.
Horst, Geoffrey P., Orlando Sarnelle, Jeffrey D White, Stephen K. Hamilton, RajReni B. Kaul, and Julianne D. Bressie. 2014. “Nitrogen Availability Increases The Toxin Quota Of A Harmful Cyanobacterium, Microcystis Aeruginosa. Water Research 54: 188-198. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2014.01.063.
Martina, J.P., Stephen K. Hamilton, M. R. Turetsky, and C. J. Phillippo. 2014. “Organic Matter Stocks Increase With Degree Of Invasion In Temperate Inland Wetlands”. Plant And Soil 385 (1-2): 107-123. doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2211-9.
Hamilton, Stephen K., Suzanne J. Sippel, Jeffrey P. Chanton, and John M. Melack. 2014. “Plant-Mediated Transport And Isotopic Composition Of Methane From Shallow Tropical Wetlands”. Inland Waters 4 (4): 369-376. doi:10.5268/IW-4.4.734.