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Gene Likens

Likens, Gene E. 1988. “The World Book Encyclopedia: Acid Rain”. In The World Book Encyclopedia, 1:27. World Book, Inc., Chicago.
Weathers, Kathleen C., Gene E. Likens, F.H. Bormann, J.S. Eaton, Kenneth D. Kimball, J.N. Galloway, T.G. Siccama, and D. Smiley. 1988. “Chemical Concentrations In Cloud Water From Four Sites In The Eastern United States”. In M. H. Unsworth And D. Fowler (Eds.). Acidic Deposition At High Elevation Sites, 345-357. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Galloway, J.N., Z. Dianwu, X. Jiling, and Gene E. Likens. 1987. “Acid Rain: China, United States And A Remote Area”. Science 236: 1559-1562.
Bormann, F.H., and Gene E. Likens. 1987. “Changing Perspectives On Air-Pollution Stress”. Bioscience 37: 370.
Likens, Gene E. 1987. “Chemical Wastes In Our Atmosphere-An Ecological Crisis”. Ind. Crisis Q. 1: 13-33.
Likens, Gene E., W.C. Keene, J.M. Miller, and J.N. Galloway. 1987. “Chemistry Of Precipitation From A Remote, Terrestrial Site In Australia”. J. Geophys. Res. 92: 13,299-13,314.
Hedin, L. O., Gene E. Likens, and F.H. Bormann. 1987. “Decrease In Precipitation Acidity Resulting From Decreased So42- Concentration”. Nature 325: 244-246.
Mayer, M. S., and Gene E. Likens. 1987. “The Importance Of Algae In A Shaded Headwater Stream As Food For An Abundant Caddisfly (Trichoptera)”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 6: 262-269.
Hall, R. J., Charles T. Driscoll, and Gene E. Likens. 1987. “Importance Of Hydrogen Ions And Aluminum In Regulating The Structure And Function Of Stream Ecosystems: An Experimental Test”. Freshwater Biol. 18: 17-43.
Hornbeck, J.W., C.W. Martin, R.S. Pierce, F.H. Bormann, Gene E. Likens, and J.S. Eaton. 1987. “The Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystem: Ten Years Of Recovery From Clearcutting”. Usda For. Serv., Northeast. For. Exp. Stn., Ne-Rp-596., 30.