David Strayer
Strayer, David L., Kathryn A. Hattala, Andrew Kahnle, Robert D. Adams, and Aaron Fisk. 2014. “Has the Hudson River Fish Community Recovered from the Zebra Mussel Invasion Along With Its Forage Base?”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (8): 1146-57. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0549.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., David L. Strayer, S.D. Smith, and Neil Curri. 2014. “Magnitude and Patterns of Change in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of the Tidal Freshwater Hudson River”. Estuaries and Coasts 37 (5): 1233-42. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9758-1.
Nakano, Daisuke, and David L. Strayer. 2014. “Biofouling Animals in Fresh Water: Biology, Impacts, and Ecosystem Engineering”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (3): 167-75. doi:10.1890/130071.
Strayer, David L., Jonathan J. Cole, Stuart E. G. Findlay, David T. Fischer, Jessica A. Gephart, Heather M. Malcom, Michael L. Pace, and Emma J. Rosi-Marshall. 2014. “Decadal-Scale Change in a Large-River Ecosystem”. BioScience 64 (6): 496-510. doi:10.1093/biosci/biu061.
Harris, Cornelia, David L. Strayer, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2014. “The Ecology of Freshwater Wrack Along Natural and Engineered Hudson River Shorelines”. Hydrobiologia 722 (1): 233-45. doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1706-3.
Strayer, David L. 2013. “Endangered Freshwater Invertebrates (2013)”. In S.A. Levin, Ed. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd ed., 3:176-87. Academic Press.
Strayer, David L., and Heather M. Malcom. 2013. “Long-Term Change in the Hudson River’s Bivalve Populations: A History of Multiple Invasions (and recovery?)”. In T.F. Nalepa and D.W. Schloesser, Eds. Quagga and Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control. Second Edition.
Limburg, K. E., D. P. Swaney, and David L. Strayer. 2013. “River Ecosystems”. In S.A. Levin, Ed. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Second Edition, 213-31. Academic Press.
Strayer, David L., and J. R. Waldman. 2013. “Beware Marauding Carp”. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/20/opinion/beware-marauding-carp.html?_r=0.
Strayer, David L. 2013. “Book Review: North American Freshwater Mussels: Natural History, Ecology and Conservation W. H.Haag (2012). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K”. Freshwater Biology. doi:10.1111/fwb.2013.58.issue-510.1111/fwb.12119.