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CE Cáceres

Sondag, EET, TES Merrill, J Drnevich, , EK Fischer, CE Cáceres, and LR Strickland. 2023. “Differential Gene Expression in Response to Fungal Pathogen Exposure in the Aquatic Invertebrate, Daphnia Dentifera”. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 13 (8). doi:10.1002/ece3.10354.
Cáceres, CE, and TES Merrill. 2023. “The Role of Varying Resources on Daphnia Dentifera Immune Responses”. FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY 196 (3-4): 217-28. doi:10.1127/fal/2022/1458.
Merrill, TES, CE Cáceres, S Gray, VR Laird, ZT Schnitzler, and JC Buck. 2022. “Timescale Reverses the Relationship Between Host Density and Infection Risk”. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 289 (1980). doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.1106.
Rogalski, MA, TES Merrill, CD Gowler, CE Cáceres, and MA Duffy. 2021. “Context-Dependent Host-Symbiont Interactions: Shifts Along the Parasitism-Mutualism Continuum”. AMERICAN NATURALIST 198 (5): 563-75. doi:10.1086/716635.
Merrill, TES, Z Rapti, and CE Cáceres. 2021. “Host Controls of Within-Host Disease Dynamics: Insight from an Invertebrate System”. AMERICAN NATURALIST 198 (3): 317-32. doi:10.1086/715355.
Merrill, TES, , and CE Cáceres. 2021. “Parasite Exposure and Host Susceptibility Jointly Drive the Emergence of Epidemics”. ECOLOGY 102 (2). doi:10.1002/ecy.3245.
Rapti, Z, TES Merrill, B Mueller-Brennan, JH Kavouras, and CE Cáceres. 2019. “Indirect Effects in a Planktonic Disease System”. THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY 130: 132-42. doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2019.07.009.
Merrill, TES, , L Merrill, and CE Cáceres. 2019. “Variation in Immune Defense Shapes Disease Outcomes in Laboratory and Wild <i>Daphnia< I&gt”;. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 59 (5): 1203-19. doi:10.1093/icb/icz079.
Merrill, TES, and CE Cáceres. 2018. “Within-Host Complexity of a Plankton-Parasite Interaction”. ECOLOGY 99 (12): 2864-67. doi:10.1002/ecy.2483.
Merrill, TES, ME Torchin, and CE Cáceres. (2024) 2018. “Invisible Parasites and Their Implications for Coexisting Water Fleas”. JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY 104 (1): 101-5. doi:10.1645/17-112.