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TES Merrill

Johnson, PTJ, TES Merrill, AD Dean, and A Fenton. 2024. “Diverging Effects of Host Density and Richness across Biological Scales Drive Diversity-Disease Outcomes”. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 15 (1). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46091-4.
Johnson, PTJ, TES Merrill, DM Calhoun, T McDevitt-Galles, and B Hobart. 2024. “Into the Danger Zone: How the Within-Host Distribution of Parasites Controls Virulence”. ECOLOGY LETTERS 27 (1). doi:10.1111/ele.14352.
Pine, WE , III, J Brucker, M Davis, S Geiger, R Gandy, A Shantz, TES Merrill, and EV Camp. 2023. “Collapsed Oyster Populations in Large Florida Estuaries Appear Resistant to Restoration Using Traditional Cultching Methods-Insights from Ongoing Efforts in Multiple Systems”. MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES 15 (5). doi:10.1002/mcf2.10249.
Sondag, EET, TES Merrill, J Drnevich, , EK Fischer, CE Cáceres, and LR Strickland. 2023. “Differential Gene Expression in Response to Fungal Pathogen Exposure in the Aquatic Invertebrate, Daphnia Dentifera”. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 13 (8). doi:10.1002/ece3.10354.
Cáceres, CE, and TES Merrill. 2023. “The Role of Varying Resources on Daphnia Dentifera Immune Responses”. FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY 196 (3-4): 217-28. doi:10.1127/fal/2022/1458.
Westphal, GH, and TES Merrill. 2022. “Partitioning Variance in Immune Traits in a Zooplankton Host-Fungal Parasite System”. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 12 (12). doi:10.1002/ece3.9640.
Merrill, TES, CE Cáceres, S Gray, VR Laird, ZT Schnitzler, and JC Buck. 2022. “Timescale Reverses the Relationship Between Host Density and Infection Risk”. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 289 (1980). doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.1106.
Hopkins, SR, KD Lafferty, CL Wood, SH Olson, JC Buck, GA De Leo, KJ Fiorella, et al. 2022. “Evidence Gaps and Diversity Among Potential Win-Win Solutions for Conservation and Human Infectious Disease Control”. LANCET PLANETARY HEALTH 6 (8): E694-E705, .
Merrill, TES, DM Calhoun, and PTJ Johnson. 2022. “Beyond Single Host, Single Parasite Interactions: Quantifying Competence for Complete Multi-Host, Multi-Parasite Communities”. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 36 (8): 1845-57. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14068.
Hobart, BK, WE Moss, T McDevitt-Galles, TES Merrill, and PTJ Johnson. 2022. “It’s a Worm-Eat-Worm World: Consumption of Parasite Free-Living Stages Protects Hosts and Benefits Predators”. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY 91 (1): 35-45. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13591.