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J. Davis

Rosi-Marshall, Emma J., K. A. Vallis, Colden V. Baxter, and J. M. Davis. 2016. “Retesting A Prediction Of The River Continuum Concept: Autochthonous Versus Allochthonous Resources In The Diets Of Invertebrates”. Freshwater Science 35 (2): 534 - 543. doi:10.1086/686302.
Davis, J. M., Colden V. Baxter, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, J. L. Pierce, and B. T. Crosby. 2013. “Anticipating Stream Ecosystem Responses To Climate Change: Toward Predictions That Incorporate Effects Via Land–Water Linkages”. Ecosystems 16 (5): 909 - 922. doi:10.1007/s10021-013-9653-4.