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KR Covey

Oberle, B, KR Covey, KM Dunham, EJ Hernandez, ML Walton, DF Young, and Amy Zanne. 2018. “Dissecting the Effects of Diameter on Wood Decay Emphasizes the Importance of Cross-Stem Conductivity in <i>Fraxinus americana< I&gt”;. ECOSYSTEMS 21: 85-97+. doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0136-x.
Covey, KR, CPB de Mesquita, B Oberle, DS Maynard, C Bettigole, TW Crowther, MC Duguid, et al. 2016. “Greenhouse Trace Gases in Deadwood”. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 130: 215-26. doi:10.1007/s10533-016-0253-1.