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SW Laffan

Kooyman, RM, Amy Zanne, RV Gallagher, W Cornwell, M Rossetto, P O’Connor, EA Parkes, CF Catterall, SW Laffan, and CH Lusk. 2013. “Effects of Growth Form and Functional Traits on Response of Woody Plants to Clearing and Fragmentation of Subtropical Rainforest”. CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 27: 1468-77. doi:10.1111/cobi.12088.
Moles, AT, DI Warton, L Warman, NG Swenson, SW Laffan, Amy Zanne, A Pitman, FA Hemmings, and MR Leishman. 2009. “Global Patterns in Plant Height”. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 97: 923-32. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01526.x.