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September 23, 2015

Notes and Changes since last report

  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
  • It was 72°F, mostly clear and breezy at 3:00 PM on September 23, 2015.
  • It was another quiet, but pleasant late summer day.

The Trails

  • Right next to the parking spot at Gifford House was a vaguely familiar plant.
  • Ground cherry, I wondered? No, velvetleaf, but it was on the same page...
  • A mass of birds abandoned the thistle - now all seeds - on the approach to the Carriage House.
  • Around the back, magnolia was fruiting.
  • The path entering the Old Gravel Pit section was thick with fallen leaves - hard to ignore.
  • At the edge of the Fern Glen, a tiny, metallic green bee was preening itself on a sunny leaf.
  • Farther along, a spider with interesting eye spots was dining in its shelter.
  • At the pond, a painted turtle was enjoying the last rays of the day.
  • Spotted touch-me-not exploding seed pods at the back of the pond waited for a passerby to brush against them.
  • Down on the water's surface was quite the congregation of water striders.
  • Wreath goldenrod was blooming along the trail to the back. This and zig-zag are the two woodland species that I find fairly easy to ID.
  • Maple-leaved viburnum's un-maple-like berries were robust this year.
  • Along the boardwalk through the fen, little remained of the witch hazel that was recently host to fall webworm.
  • There was one left on a neighboring shrub.
  • Around the corner was speckled alder with catkins already waiting for spring.
  • More leaves reduced to veins. I'de been hoping for some big caterpillars that would be getting ready to pass the winter.
  • Close, but no cigar, sawfly larvae are interesting caterpillar-like creatures. Sometimes when disturbed, they all wave their abdomens in unison.
  • Deeper in the shrub swamp, winterberry and spicebush were showing off bright red berries.
  • On the way out, Solomon's seal and false Solomon's seal were now quite distinct from each other.
  • Cary Pines Trail is usually quiet. But it has its moments.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.