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September 13, 2017

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 75°F, calm, and mostly clear at 2:00 PM on September 13, 2017.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
  • It was a quiet day for butterflies and birds both.
  • Caterpillars were on the move.

The Trails

  • It was a beautiful late summer afternoon on the way to the Carriage House behind Gifford House.
  • Dark red leaves in the shrubs were calling attention to the blue-black berries of Virginia creeper.
  • Just a little farther along was an empty nest of perhaps fall webworm.
  • Along the Scots Pine Allée, a banded tussock moth caterpillar was climbing one of the pines.
  • Out in the Little Bluestem Meadow white fluff was rising and drifting in the air.
  • A closer look ruled out milkweed.
  • Thistle was the next thought but that didn't seem right either... maybe a lettuce?
  • No doubt about silverrod. There's always a patch at the end of the pines.
  • Something flew by that wasn't a wasp: an American copper.
  • There was a blue glow around the body, seemingly from dense hairs. Interesting...
  • Around the corner milkweed tussock moth caterpillars could be found on a number of milkweeds.
  • A scan of the meadow back towards Gifford House turned up little more than a few cabbage whites and orange sulphurs, but it's always a favorite view.
  • In the Fern Glen, a woolly bear was eating swamp milkweed.
  • In the back of the 'Glen, spikenard berries were ripening.
  • Even burried in the wetland, Jack-in-the-pulpit was hard to miss.
  • Back above the deck, the usual colony of whorled aster was in bloom.
  • Closer to the deck, tall white lettuce was flowering.
  • It's a strange little flower that the lettuces have.
  • Ah, there was a whole Jack-in-the-pulpit, leaves and all still intact.
  • Speckled alder was in the shrub swamp and already looking forward to spring.
  • Its female cones...
  • and male catkins were formed and ready for win... I won't say it.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.