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September 11, 2013

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 85°F and climbing with hazy skies and tropical humidity at 12:30 PM on September 11, 2013.
  • Red berries was the main theme today.
  • Mosquitoes have continued to decline.
  • It was a day of both missed opportunities and new discoveries.

The Trails

  • First discovery of the day was that the front Old Hayfield had been mowed. The back field gets its haircut on even years so that wildlife always has refuge.
  • Along the Scotch Pine Alleé silverrod was blooming. Easily identified as the only white goldenrod among our 60 some species, it is a personal favorite.
  • Insects such as the paper wasp love all goldenrods. Pick out a patch and watch the traffic.
  • The mosquitoes in the Old Gravel Pit weren't too bad today. I could even linger at the Fern Glen end of the trail when a hairstreak dropped into a patch of sun for a moment... only a moment then it was gone. Maybe a white M? They were around in August two years ago.
  • While looking around for the hairsteak, I found an interesting beetle under a leaf.
  • Giving up, I headed for the fern Glen but paused again when some crows raised a fuss. Something big flew among the hemlocks. I slowly eased my binoculars around a tree to get a better look at a blob in the branches and it resolved into a barred owl's face. I must have resolved into a human and it moved on.
  • In the Fern Glen, winterberry berries were turning red.
  • So too, the spicebush.
  • Another shrub seemed a little different: smooth leaf edges and slightly larger fruit.
  • Studying the photo at home, I nearly leapt out of my chair. A detail I'd overlooked while focused on the berries was probably a pawpaw sphinx caterpillar. I love it. I don't know how many times I've discovered things in photos while editing them.
  • The one remaining saddleback caterpillar was still where I'd last seen it.
  • Continuing the red theme was Jack-in-the-pulpit.
  • Indian cucumber root near the stone bridge provided a variation on the theme with a black berry against red leaves.
  • From the stone bridge itself I saw a great blue heron glide by on its way to a landing. Just as I had the camera on it, it took off...
  • One of the leaves dropping into the pond seemed different: it was a giant water bug.
  • Near the great snag from Hurricane Sandy on the Cary Pines Trail, tall white lettuce was indeed tall and going to seed.
  • Along the flood plain of the Wappinger Creek Trail, zig-zag goldenrod had been blooming. The woodland habitat, its bottle brush bloom and roundish, toothed leaves make it not too tough a call. "Zig-zag"? The stem bends a bit at each leaf node.
  • The shiney mid rib of invasive Japanese stilt grass is a dead give away. The flower spike was just beginning to emerge; now would be the last chance to whack it and leave it without worry of seeds forming.
  • Big forest dragonflies had eluded me several times today. One finally perched long enough and with enough light for a shot.
  • The parting view of the day was a favorite clump of goldenrod at the unmowed edge of the front Old Hayfield.
  • Which one? The heat and humidity had been draining. I was satisfied with two out of three and headed home. A thunder shower along the way would have been welcome, but it wasn't til evening that they honored their forecast.