Notes and Changes since last report
- It was 81°F, mostly cloudy, and windy at 1:00 PM on September 8, 2021.
- There were no major rains since the last trail report - it had been a hurricane a week for a while.
- The creek had calmed down, and so had the wildlife...
- This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
The Trails
- Although it was warm, the sun was not out much over the Old Hayfield, and birds and butterflies were few.
- Invasive oriental bittersweet was sprawling across the side of the Sedge Meadow Trail. Its fruit, when ripe, would be the familiar orange and yellow highlights in autumn wreathes.
- In the Sedge Meadow, even the goldenrods were starting to look subdued.
- Clusters of bittersweet nightshade fruit were in various stages of ripeness along the edge.
- The back Old Hayfield was a little more lively, not having been recently mowed.
- Here, Goldenrods were still bright and along the side...
- ... invasive autumn olive fruit was ripening.
- The leaves are silvery below, covered with little scales that are hard to see without a hand lens.
- Somehow spotted knappweed had slipped by mention until now - it's been out for a while.
- In the back of the field, Japanese barberry berries were ripening.
- Finally a native to our region: thimbleweed. This strange anemone has popped up in a few locations along the trails this year.
- And finally a great spangled fritillary. Interesting was the white area on the hindwing margin.
- At half that size, but twice that of a pearl crescent, a meadow fritillary paused to try to get some sun.
- The Wappinger Creek had calmed down since last week but was still full.
- A jaunty mushroom had grown up along the side of the trail down the slope.
- Down in the floodplain, wood nettle was going to seed.
- The seeds really stand out compared to those of other nettles.
- Invasive Japanese stilt grass was starting to flower. Too late to pull it and just leave it now...
- Our native zigzag goldenrod was doing well now.
- The view from trail marker 10 was much calmer than last week.
- On the way out towards Cary Pines Trail, those capsized puffballs from a few weeks ago were completing their mission by puffing.
- Just past the trailhead, a pair of huge mushrooms was on its side.
- The scaly cap and stem, with pores instead of gills below suggests Old Man of the Woods.
- Next week: the Cary Pines Trail the side of the trail system.
| Butterflies