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October 26, 2016

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 44°F, clear and breezy at 1:30 PM on October 26, 2016.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
  • Recent rains dropped a lot of the leaves, but it's still nice out.
  • Note: Monday Oct. 31 is the last day the grounds will be open this season. They open again April 1.

The Trails

  • The oaks at the Gifford trail head had lost a lot of color since last week.
  • Across the front Old Hayfield, the trees were bare and the goldenrods brown.
  • The boardwalk along the Sedge Meadow is always a reference point through the seasons.
  • In the Sedge Meadow itself, cinnamon fern had all but disappeared.
  • Multiflora rose hips were still providing color.
  • And back lit goldenrods provided texture.
  • Color lingered in a couple oaks in the back Old Hayfield.
  • In the back, several tall, bare trees struck me as stately.
  • From the entrance to the Old Pasture, the bench was just visible ahead.
  • This would be a good day to move it out of the shade and into the sun.
  • The view from the bluff over the Wappinger Creek is always a favorite.
  • Fallen oak leaves made the descent to the creek slippery.
  • As if a safe arrival weren't enough, a little oak still red was like a prize at the bottom.
  • A sycamore leaf sailed in and out of the sun on its way downstream.
  • I almost forgot to check the fungus tree.
  • Yup, it was still going strong.
  • Looking back two weeks ago, we see something just a littler fresher.
  • On the other side of the path was that other one.
  • Again, showing a little wear and tear since two weeks ago.
  • At the "Appendix", (Trail Marker 10) it was early enough to catch the little beech all lit up.
  • Zooming in on movement in the snag below revealed reflections off the water.
  • Next Trail Report will be in April...
2 Turkey Vulture
1 Belted Kingfisher
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Pileated Woodpecker
2 Blue Jay
4 American Crow
3 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Golden-crowned Kinglet
3 European Starling