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October 21, 2015

Notes and Changes since last report

  • This week's trail report covers the whole trail system.
  • It was 56°F, cloudy and calm at 9:45 AM on October 21, 2015, warming up to 62 by noon.
  • A lot of leaves were on the ground now, but it's not over yet.
  • Reminder: the grounds will be closing for the season at the end of this month.

The Trails

  • The front Old Hayfield had lost much of the color around the edge.
  • If the leaves were going, some of the birds were still around: an eastern bluebird was still hanging around the bluebird boxes.
  • In fact, there was a whole family of maybe 5.
  • Among the accompanying birds were a few yellow-rumped warblers.
  • A surprise was butter and eggs still blooming.
  • Along the Sedge Meadow Trail was a more sobering sight: goldenrods going to seed... it was indeed getting late in the season.
  • The back Old Hayfield had also dropped leaves along its edge.
  • Sun peeked out for a moment in the Old Pasture.
  • It was feeling warm enough to enjoy the cool of the wooded Wappinger Creek Trail while taking in the view from the bluff.
  • My favorite view was just a few steps farther.
  • At the bottom of the hill, the scent of witch hazel was quite strong. This time I finally spotted the source. It was just hanging over the water.
  • Way in the distance downstream I could barely make out the call of a raven. I would later find two in the Fern Glen.
  • At the Appendix, a small but brilliant maple was reflected in the calm water. I remembered it doing the same last year.
  • I got low down on the road to the Fern Glen to admire the fallen leaves.
  • Up to this point I'd been hearing chipmunks giving the alarm call at every bend on every path. This one appeared to be charging me! I was saved only by a passing car. No, we all got away alive.
  • At the edge of the Fern Glen pond, bull frogs were quietly waiting for their prey to pass too close.
  • I carefull skirted them, completed my inspection of the 'Glen and headed out through the Old Gravel Pit, to exit into the Little Bluestem Meadow.
  • The view of the Gifford House held me for a while. And I finally spotted a butterfly.
  • Only two weekends left before the trails close...