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October 03, 2018

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 67°F, mostly cloudy and calm at 1:30 PM on October 3, 2018.
  • Once again, there were heavy rains the day before.
  • And again, this week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
  • However, the Fern Glen and its new deck may be open for business next week.

The Trails

  • The road to the Carriage House was dotted with deer tracks.
  • A stroll along the road yielded only a couple clouded sulphurs this week.
  • Fall colors were finally beginning to show across the Little Bluestem Meadow.
  • Behind the Carriage House, buckyeye was already bare of leaves.
  • But it was sporting a few nuts.
  • Next to it, magnolia fruit were appearing.
  • Beautybush wasn't much to look at this time of year.
  • There was not too much exciting about the seeds either.
  • But running around the leaves was the curious handsome trig.
  • The black palps under the face were in constant vibation.
  • At the edge of the front Old Hayfield, some color was waking in the foliage.
  • A plain sort of moth landed in the open - how could I refuse a photo op? It was the Lucerne moth.
  • Something stood out in the brush along the side of the path.
  • A little green frog was sitting in the weak sun.
  • That would be the gray treefrog - it can change color.
  • At the bottom of the path, invasive burning bush was taking on color.
  • And across from it, Japanese barberry was doing likewise.
  • The vain search for last week's monarch chrysalis was interrupted when a leaf flying sideways landed on the milkweed under inspection.
  • It was a species of noctuid moth.
  • Moments later, the scene repeated but with a different species. Noctuidae is our largest family of moths.
  • Along the Sedge Meadow Trail, dogwood sawfly larvae were numerous today.
  • A couple good old wooly bear caterpillars were around as well.
  • Oh but with all the rain there were mushrooms in the Old Pasture.
  • Several species of puffballs were out too.
  • This white mushroom was just getting started.
  • Another was fully developed.
  • Orange ones were scattered across the area.
  • The Wappinger Creek was quite full today.
  • We weren't finished with mushrooms yet.
  • One more orange one was noteworthy.
  • That took us to the big recurring fungus by the Watershed kiosk.
  • A small dark form was dangling from wood nettle along the flood plain section of the Wappinger Creek Trail.
  • It was an eastern comma caterpillar preparing to pupate.
  • Another leaf of the same plant bore a fully formed chrysalis of the same.
  • Nearby, a banded tussock moth caterpillar seemed to be just resting.
  • Something flat was on the back of my neck - not a tick but a louse fly.
  • Then it was back to caterpillars with the familiar fall webworm.
  • Next week: maybe the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
1 Turkey Vulture1 Cabbage White1 Handsome trig1 Eastern Comma1 Gray treefrog
1 Mourning Dove10 Clouded Sulphur1 Banded tussock moth
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker1 Fall webworm
1 Downy Woodpecker1 Wooly bear
1 Blue-headed Vireo
1 Blue Jay
6 Black-capped Chickadee
6 Eastern Bluebird
2 Gray Catbird
1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1 Eastern Towhee
1 American Goldfinch