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May 04, 2016

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 47°F and misting with light breezes at 11:30 PM on May 4, 2016.
  • The cool, damp weather of late had kept typically short lived spring flowers in bloom.
  • Black-and-white warbler and ovenbird were back.
  • No butterflies were seen at all.

The Trails

  • The forecast was not much better for any day this week, so I headed out into the mist and crossed Gifford House's front Old Hayfield.
  • On the Sedge Meadow Trail, honeysuckle was fully leafed out with swelling flower buds while native gray dogwood in the background was barely opening its leaves.
  • From a distance shaggy orange balls could be seen decorating the cedars ahead.
  • They were the bizarre fungal cedar rust galls.
  • Off the side of the boardwalk was a clump of violets.
  • The zoom lens got us in close and personal.
  • Across the back Old Hayfield, the flowering dogwood didn't look much more advanced than last week.
  • Again, zooming in showed that there had been some progress.
  • The recent rains, though mostly light, have been enough to fill up the Wappinger Creek.
  • At the bottom of the hill, a lighter color in the leaves caught my attention.
  • Big wood chips like this I've seen before...
  • Directly above was the work site of a pileated woodpecker.
  • Down along the creek, I heard the Louisiana waterthrush and noticed a white bump on a stump at the water's edge.
  • It was a young shelf fungus. Last year's got pretty big...
  • Cut-leaved toothwort was just a few steps ahead. The cool, damp weather has helped keep this flower around for a nice while.
  • On the slope up to the sugarbush, a glint of purple was from the first gaywings to bloom.
  • Down in the floodplain, invasive narrow-leaved bittercress was beginning to send up its flower stalk.
  • The Canada mayflower made quite the ground cover on the Cary Pines Trail.
  • Mixed in, here and there, was starflower, just budding up.
  • In the Fern Glen, Jack-in-the-pulpit had errupted since the last time.
  • Another strange flower like skunk cabbage composed of spathe and spadix.
  • Back in the fen, rhodora was starting to bloom.
  • Closer to the soil, leatherleaf had already started.
  • Little bog rosemary was already with the program.
  • Highbush blueberry was ready to burst, in fact just a few had.
  • In another corner, tiny goldthread was well on the way.
  • Way in the back, the long awaited yellow lady's-slipper was beginning to unroll leaves.
  • By the deck over the Creek, toothwort was again having a great season.
  • A surprise along the road was golden ragwort; interestingly there was no such advanced stages in sunnier locations elsewhere.
  • Another surprise was finding a beaver at work last week. Felling a tree was one thing to watch... dragging it away was another. All that remained was a stump
  • On the way out of the 'Glen stood another dogwood.
  • Something was a little odd about its form - after the first branch, almost everything was gone.
  • In the Old Gravel Pit, honeysuckle was even further along.
  • At the Carriage House end of the Scots Pine Alleé, American goldfinch were overhead.
  • Behind the Carriage House, fothergilla had barely begun to bloom.
  • With wet feet and my car in sight, it was hard to stop for the Bradford pear, but I wanted to verify it was the source of that punky fragrance in the air.
2 Mourning Dove1 Bog rosemary
2 Red-bellied Woodpecker1 Bradford pear
1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker1 Fothergilla
1 Downy Woodpecker1 Gaywings
1 Pileated Woodpecker1 Golden ragwort
3 Eastern Phoebe1 Goldthread
2 Blue Jay1 High bush blueberry
3 American Crow1 Honeysuckle
4 Common Raven1 Jack-in-the-pulpit
1 Black-capped Chickadee1 Leatherleaf
2 Tufted Titmouse1 Rhodora
1 Eastern Bluebird
6 American Robin
2 European Starling
1 Pine Warbler
1 Black-and-white Warbler
5 Ovenbird
2 Louisiana Waterthrush
1 Common Yellowthroat
4 Eastern Towhee
3 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
2 Red-winged Blackbird
1 House Finch
5 American Goldfinch