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May 02, 2018

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 85°F, partly cloudy and windy at 1:00 PM on May 2, 2018.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
  • Two suddenly summer-like days in a row brought out a couple butterflies: cabbage whites and spring azures.
  • The Fern Glen was racing to catch up, but was still a week behind last year. See the trail report archive.

The Trails

  • The view from the Gifford House trail head may have been just a little greener than last week.
  • But the view of the Carriage House was distinctly different.
  • The magnolia was now in full blossom.
  • With the cold we'd been having, it was risky but it worked out and flowers were abundant and largely undamaged.
  • Underneath, a pair of robins was oblivious to the recent drama above and only concerned with more immediate robin business.
  • As the trail through the Old Gravel Pit comes out above the Fern Glen, I was sure I had come about the closest yet to a bear.
  • Myrtle, attended by small bees, was blooming on the Norway Spruce Glade - that hillside above the 'Glen.
  • One of the first finds in the Fern Glen proper was wild ginger.
  • Always in the same spot above was that corydalis species.
  • I'm not sure I remember even buds on the twinleaf last week.
  • Large-flowered bellowort flowers last longer that twinleaf's.
  • Rue anemone! It took a while to remember the common name.
  • But then it's always a toss up between bishop's cap and miterwort.
  • Fen shrubs always need a refresher: leatherleaf would do for today.
  • Leatherwood is not easily confused. Its buds and blossoms are equally charming.
  • In the pond was my first bullfrog of the season.
  • Painted turtle has been around a few weeks now.
  • So too the red-spotted newt.
  • Behind the pond, wetland invader, Japanese primrose was bolting.
  • The attractive flower explains how it got here.
  • Large-flowered trillium seemed to be having a good year.
  • Red trillium was just starting to open.
  • There's one little patch of false rue-anemone.
  • On the way out, little, long-nosed fuzz balls seemed to be lapping the damp soil as some butterfies do for minerals. They were one of the bee flies.
  • Not far along the Cary Pines Trail, an insect was hovering about head high in the dappled light. A small subject floating in the air and never staying in one position too long, it was a photographic challenge. It looked like the bee fly again.
  • Out at the ":Appendix" (trail marker 10) was an easier subject: mallards preening in the sun.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
1 Turkey Vulture1 Cabbage White1 Bee fly1 Bull frog1 Corydalis
1 Mourning Dove5 Spring Azure1 Painted turtle1 False rue-anemone
1 Tree Swallow1 Red-spotted newt1 Japanese primrose
2 Black-capped Chickadee1 Large-flowered bellwort
6 American Robin1 Large-flowered trillium
6 European Starling1 Leatherleaf
1 Pine Warbler1 Leatherwood
1 Ovenbird1 Miterwort
1 Louisiana Waterthrush1 Red trillium
5 Chipping Sparrow1 Rue-anemone
5 Field Sparrow1 Shad bush
4 Red-winged Blackbird1 Twinleaf
2 American Goldfinch1 Wild ginger
1 Wood anemone