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March 27, 2013

Notes and changes since last report

  • It was partly cloudy, almost 50°F and calm at 12:30 PM on March 27, 2013.
  • The trails and grounds reopen April 1, 2013.
  • This was the first walk of the season.
  • Winter left the trails in pretty good condition, although a few changes would be noted...

The Trails

  • Bluebirds were calling along the front Old Hayfield; a cool breeze picked up and went down my collar.
  • It was comfortable by the time I got to the back where last seasons dogbane pods were still hanging.
  • Along the high stretch of the Sedge Meadow Trail, I noted a dozen robins overhead as well as numerous territorial claims of fox or coyote at ground level.
  • The trail dropped abruptly to the boardwalk across the swamp, where an uprooted tree was the main new feature.
  • Algae was a surprise this early - I don't think there's usually much at all here.
  • On the other hand, skunk cabbage was not as abundant or fresh looking as expected. In fact it looked rather chewed up.
  • Last season's fallen elm provided access to the mysterious pipe in the Sedge Meadow.
  • It was encrusted with lichens and next to it were skunk cabbage flowers, showing some wear and tear.
  • Towards the end of the trail, the fallen old oak was stark against the clouds.
  • Along the edge of the back Old Hayfield, a shag bark hickory leaf bud was just opening.
  • Farther along, without its leaves - or fall color - burning bush's twigs explained its other name, winged euonymous.
  • The south facing, brushy edge of the field was my best chance for an early butterfly, say a comma or mourning cloak, but alas...
  • In the Old Pasture, I was surprised to hear and see the red-breasted nuthatch. It's usually at the opposite side of the trail system.
  • My favorite "view from the bluff" of the Wappinger Creek was just a little different with that pointy little tree top missing.
  • Down closer to the water I found preparations under way for one of Cary's many educational programs.
  • Lunch at one of the foot bridges was notable for three reasons: 1) they no longer float away in the spring floods, thanks to steel cables; 2) I found myself sitting next to yet another scat. 3) A winter wren sang!
  • The Cary Pines Trail promised to be interesting with re-routing through the snag from Sandy last fall.
  • After a look back it was off to the Fern Glen.
  • Water striders and water boatmen were in their respective elements above and below the surface of the pond, but a stone fly on the surface was walking increasingly awkwardly and was just not going to make shore. A long weed and a steady hand delivered it to the hand rail.
  • Behind us, I finally found a nice skunk cabbage flower...
  • ...and well hidden colt's-foot buds.
  • You never know what to expect in spring in the bottom of the Old Gravel Pit. This year it was dry.
  • On the way out, a clump of feathers suggested a meal had been had - perhaps pheasant.
  • It was not long before the view of Gifford House across the Little Bluestem Meadow told me the end of the trail was near on this first day out.