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June 27, 2012

Notes and changes since last report

  • It was clear and 78°, with a good breeze at 2:15 PM on June 27, 2012.
  • Northern broken-dash, Delaware skipper and northern pearly-eye have returned.
  • A number of red admirals were about. Is this a 2nd brood ramping up?

The Trails

  • It was once around the Gifford parking lot to check out the milkweed for insects.
  • A double headed black-eyed Susan was unusual, but this was bizzare. Recalling a creature in the new movie Promethius, I just slowly backed away.
  • I'd missed the earlier flowering of the our honeysuckle, but now the handsome berries were ripe.
  • Also along the boardwalk, swamp milkweed was budding up.
  • Something was odd about the stem; I zoomed in: it was aphids.
  • Near the front of the pond Turk's-cap lily was budding up.
  • I almost missed the Culver's root in the shadows.
  • Fringed loosestrife was beginning to bloom along the path.
  • It is the petioles - the leaf stems - that bear the fringes.
  • Barely noticable in all the foliage was enchanter's nightshade.
  • I went to the patch near the bridge for a look at the whole plant.
  • Along the way, bright yellow called out from the stump of the huge white pine that had fallen: a shelf fungus.
  • Departing the Glen, I noticed tall bellflower just beginning to bud.
  • It was quiet along the Cary Pines Trail and most of the Wappinger Creek Trail until I got to that sunny spot where I knew banded hairstreaks would be basking. As I left that spot, a large butterfly came out of the shadows at me: the first northern pearly-eye of the season.
  • Near the top of the rise in the trail, banded hairstreaks could be seen in sillouette overhead.
  • Something else flew by overhead and perched above them all: a white admiral - our less common of the two subspecies, red-spotted purple being the other.
  • The back Old Hayfield was hopping this afternoon. A grapeleaf skeletonizer moth was intently feeding on spreading dogbane and allowed several photos.
  • A male little glassy-wing sunned itself as the temperature slowly dropped.
  • Farther along, another couple was courting with the female's wing patterns visible.
  • Oooh, a coral hairstreak landed in front of me, but left before I could get a shot.
  • A milkweed patch was active with a number of things, but one color stood out as different: a black dash. That's new for trails!
  • It was quite a nice day.