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June 19, 2019

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 72°F and cloudy with light breezes at 1:00 PM on June 19, 2019.
  • Least and Peck's skippers had returned.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • There was still one lilac blooming by Gifford House.
  • At the back of the parking lot, Canada thistle was just starting.
  • Across the path, a dark spot stood out on a bright leaf.
  • It was a red admiral, a well worn one, at that.
  • Closer to the path, common milkweed was just about ready to open its flower buds.
  • Nearby, a jewelbox spider had a beetle in its web.
  • A dark triangle was at the edge of a rain puddle along the Carriage House drive.
  • It was an eastern comma taking up minerals.
  • Behind the Carriage House, motherwort was starting to flower.
  • Its flowers would be special if they were an inch or so long.
  • Along the Scots Pine Allée, Gyspy moth caterpillars were reaching maturity.
  • Many would not progress further having succumbed to disease. The slump gives them away as the legs let go.
  • In the Little Bluestem Meadow, spreading dogbane, usually chest high, was starting to bloom at one foot as a result of an earlier mowing.
  • On the path through the Old Gravel Pit, elderberry was starting to bloom.
  • The blossoms were interesting even before opening.
  • Invasive honeysuckle berries were ripening.
  • Little, native partridgeberry was blooming underfoot in shady wooded areas.
  • Out in the open, above the Fern Glen, a spider was dazzling in shimmery metallic colors.
  • Daisy fleabane was blooming in the sunnier areas.
  • In the deep shade, little white-striped blacks could be spotted; their caterpillars eat impatiens... e.g. the abundant jewelweed.
  • The lighting has to be just right to see that the common spring moth has metallic sparkles on the edges of the wings. This wasn't the right light...
  • Along the roadside, a female spangled skimmer was catching some of the rare afternoon sun.
  • On the dry hillside, Venus's looking-glass had started blooming.
  • Right on the road, male and female common whitetails were posing as if for a field guide.
  • Alien Valeriana alliariaefolia is a hold over from earlier times.
  • Wood nettle is an unassuming native plant that can make its presence known.
  • Arrow arrum has a strange, Jack-in-the-pulpit sort of flower..
  • That and swamp candles were getting ready to bloom back off the boardwalk in the fen.
  • Farther off the side, poison sumac was just opening.
  • Along the edge of the fen, red baneberry was getting red.
  • Tall, slender panacled hawkweed is a hawkweed native to our area.
  • Bowman's root only flowered for about a week.
  • The least skipper was back and should be with us the rest of the season.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek side of the trail system.
1 Mourning Dove1 Cabbage White1 Common Spring Moth1 Arrow arum
2 Chimney Swift2 Eastern Comma1 White-striped Black1 Canada thistle
1 Northern Flicker1 Little Wood-Satyr1 Daisy fleabane
1 Eastern Wood-Pewee1 Common Ringlet1 Elderberry
1 Eastern Phoebe2 Monarch1 Motherwort
1 Warbling Vireo2 Silver-spotted Skipper1 Panicled hawkweed
2 Red-eyed Vireo1 Least Skipper1 Partridgeberry
1 Blue Jay1 Poison sumac
1 Carolina Wren1 Spreading dogbane
1 House Wren1 Stinging nettle
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet1 Venus' looking-glass
4 Veery1 Wood nettle
2 Wood Thrush
3 American Robin
1 European Starling
3 Cedar Waxwing
1 Blackburnian Warbler
2 Pine Warbler
1 American Redstart
3 Ovenbird
1 Louisiana Waterthrush
3 Scarlet Tanager
1 Eastern Towhee
2 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
1 Northern Cardinal
1 Indigo Bunting
1 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 Baltimore Oriole
1 American Goldfinch