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June 17, 2015

Notes and Changes since last report

  • This week's trail report covers 1/2 the trail system - the Cary Pines Trail side. Next week will be the Wappinger Creek Trail side.
  • It was 76°F and partly cloudy at 1:00 PM on June 17, 2015.
  • Again a nice day after a few with rain.
  • Common milkweed will be blooming soon.

The Trails

  • At the Gifford House parking lot, invasive crown vetch was blooming.
  • Birdsfoot trefoil may have started last week...
  • My favorite butterfly food, common milkweed, will be blooming any day.
  • Milkweed beetles are happy to eat the leaves.
  • Although the pot holes in the road to the Carriage House had been filled, the road was still attractive to butterflies.
  • That little dark triangle was a great spangled fritillary... in just about the same spot as last week.
  • On the side of the road, an already well worn silver-spotted skipper was soaking up the sun.
  • The dogbane patch in the Little Bluestem Meadow was peaking and great spangleds were there in number.
  • A pileated woodpecker burst into the scene calling with yet another back in the woods of the Old Gravel Pit.
  • There and elsewhere, partridgeberry was blooming. It's tiny, furry flower is a delight.
  • Walking down the road to the Fern Glen, I felt something on my leg... again. I always look before I swat. It was not a tick; it was not a mosquito; I don't know what it was... maybe something in orthoptera? - grasshoppers, crickets, mantids.
  • Next to the grape leaf I set it on, was another bristling with galls of some sort.
  • In the back of the 'Glen - in the fen - tiny water speedwell was blooming.
  • Along the paths, white and red baneberry were getting easier to tell apart.
  • Something zoomed into a sunny spot; it looked like one of the robber flies.
  • One more bright spot stood out as I headed back for the day: common wood sorrel, it's shadow falling on a violet leaf rather than it's own clover-like leaves.