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June 15, 2022

Hackberry Emperor

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 81°F, partly cloudy with light winds on June 15, 2022.
  • Milkweed was almost ready and dogbanes had just started blooming.
  • Hackberry emperor was back.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails


  • 1 Red-tailed Hawk
  • 2 Red-bellied Woodpecker
  • 2 Eastern Phoebe
  • 4 Red-eyed Vireo
  • 1 Black-capped Chickadee
  • 1 House Wren
  • 1 Eastern Bluebird
  • 3 Veery
  • 2 American Robin
  • 6 Gray Catbird
  • 1 Blue-winged Warbler
  • 1 Pine Warbler
  • 1 Prairie Warbler
  • 2 Black-and-white Warbler
  • 2 Ovenbird
  • 2 Scarlet Tanager
  • 1 Eastern Towhee
  • 2 Field Sparrow
  • 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  • 1 Red-winged Blackbird
  • 2 Baltimore Oriole
  • 5 American Goldfinch
  • 2 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
  • 4 Cabbage White
  • 2 Great Spangled Fritillary
  • 3 Pearl Crescent
  • 2 Hackberry Emperor
  • 5 Little Wood-Satyr
  • 7 Common Ringlet
  • 2 Silver-spotted Skipper
  • 1 Least Skipper
  • 4 European Skipper
  • 4 Peck's Skipper
  • 1 Little Glassywing
  • 2 Zabulon Skipper
  • 1 Dogbane Tiger Moth
  • 1 Privet
  • 1 Birdfoot trefoil
  • 1 Rough-fruited cinquefoil