Trumpet Honeysuckle
Notes and Changes since last report
- It was 77°F, partly cloudy and windy on June 7, 2022.
- I thought the weather would be better today than tomorrow. I was wrong: clouds thickened and a light rain followed.
- Many plants had finished flowering and were now developing fruit.
- This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
The Trails
- It started out nice enough, dry and sunny along the Carriage House drive.
- Behind the Carriage House, pine warbler was calling.
- Several good views were to be had.
- The changing light over the Scots Pine Allée was rather moody.
- Off to the side, the Little Bluestem Meadow was filled with bedstraw and the air with its scent.
- Grasses were dominating in some places and the smells in the air followed suit.
- Before the path entered the Old Gravel Pit section, a glance back took in our starting point at the Gifford House.
- In the foreground, spreading dogbane had started blooming.
- Bare branches overhead promised good views of the maker of raucous bird calls.
- However the glare and view angle made the great crested flycatcher a challenge to photo.
- Down at the edge of the Fern Glen, viewing conditions for butterflies were better.
- A Silver-spotted skipper, its face dusted with pollen, was feeding on dame's rocket.
- In the Roeller Bed, black gum had something going on.
- It's inconspicuous flowers were blooming.
- Splashes of red worked their way up inside a neighboring striped maple.
- It was trumpet honeysuckle - one of our native honeysuckles.
- A little moth, the promiscuous angle was resting on ostrich fern.
- Another fern had the tip rolled up into ball shaped shelter for the caterpillar of another moth.
- In the limestone cobble twinleaf had quickly gone from flower to smiling seed pod.
- Above the cobble, vancouvaria was beginning to flower.
- At the front of the cobble, large-flowered bellwort was sporting its own peculiar pods.
- Trillium fruit was beginning to form, as well.
- A handsome crane fly landed on the leaf next door.
- The pond had a film of pollen.
- So too did the four painted turtles lined up to get some sun.
- The boardwalk throught the fen was full of life.
- A female common whitetail was basking on the warm boards.
- A male was perched on a dry stalk.
- Off to the side, sheep laurel had started blooming.
- Below, pitcher plant had started the week before.
- Blueberry had rapidly progressed from flower to fruit.
- Back out on dry land, twinflower was still looking good.
- By the stone bridge there were a few tired looking Indian cucumber root. They had done much better last year.
- A dragonfly relative, ebony jewelwing, was perched at the exit of the Fern Glen. Note the leg bristles that help it capture smaller insects on the wing.
- Out on the Cary Pines Trail, bracken was getting big.
- The bench at the "Appendix" was the end of the trail today.
- Across the creek, something seemed to have set up residence. It did not show itself. Maybe next time...
- Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail the side of the trail system.
| Butterflies