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June 06, 2012

Notes and changes since last report

  • 63°F, cloudy and calm at 1:00 PM.
  • It cleared and warmed some, it clouded again, it showered... and repeated the cycle...
  • Bedstraws were in full bloom.
  • European skipper made it's appearance.

The Trails

  • Right in the Gifford House parking lot Common milkweed was budding up and would soon be opening. It's my favorite nectar source for butterflies.
  • The front Old Hayfield was full of bedstraws. That and the fresh mown path filled the air with a summery scent.
  • The familiar, if only by sight, rough-fruited cinquefoil was blooming.
  • An orange blur crossed my path: my first European skipper of the season.
  • Yarrow is an interesting plant. It doesn't seem to attract many butterflies, but the things it does attract are unusual.
  • The antennae told me immediately that this was probably a fly; the face confirmed it. My old text said thick-headed flies are ususually found on flowers and parasitize wasps and bumble bees.
  • Along the edge of the field, privet - a garden escapee - was proving very attractive to silver-spotted skippers.
  • Once would be one thing, but several times I noticed a bug perched on top of a grass stalk.
  • Gray dogwood was blooming everywhere filling the air with its punky odor.
  • By the Old Pumphouse angelica was making its annual appearance.
  • A passerby reminded me why I consider the Appendix special - that spot where the Cary Pines and Wappinger Creek Trails meet at the creek. I'd have missed dead man's fingers and coral fungus. And our discussion of the black-throated green and pine warblers was interrupted when a great blue heron glided in for a landing.
  • It was sprinkling when I eventually got to the Fern Glen.
  • Around the limestone cobble twinleaf pods would soon be popping.
  • Back in the acid shale columbine was forming seed pods.
  • Along the trail purple-flowering raspberry was getting ready to bloom.
  • In the fen elderberry was thinking about it (along the pond it had already started).
  • I thought blueberry had already blossomed. I turned around and found the berries of one I knew. Oh yes, maleberry. Closer inspection revealed the little brown capsule of last years seeds.
  • By the stone bridge the colony of Indian cucumber root was looking even better than last year. It's a tiny member of the lily family.
  • Near the kiosk Bowman's root was blooming in several locations.
  • I thought the patch of spreading dogbane used to be taller.
  • The knee high blossoms attract a lot of different insects.
  • It was clearing again as I gazed across the Little Bluestem Meadow towards Gifford House.
  • I figured it would stay that way: I was leaving now. It did.