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June 05, 2019

  • It was 77°F, mostly cloudy with a light breeze at 1:00 PM on June 5, 2019. It would start raining around 4PM.
  • Common ringlet and zabulon skipper had returned.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • The grounds behind Gifford House had been mowed.
  • From back along the drive to the Carriage House, beauty bush looked like sprawling multiflora rose.
  • Up close it looked and smelled quite different.
  • The Little Blustem Meadow had also been mowed.
  • A very large American copper had me wondering for a while about its identity.
  • And the first Zabulon skipper of the season was the cryptically marked female. The white hindwing edge gave it away.
  • Along the road to the Fern Glen, several of the very different looking males were feeding or perched in the sun.
  • The penstemon also there was having a good year, too.
  • A week earlier in the fen, pitcher plant had started to flower.
  • New this week was sheep laurel.
  • In the shrub swamp, limber honeysuckle was already forming berries.
  • The high bush blueberries were following suit.
  • A lone wooly aphid was clinging to an alder.
  • On a neighboring branch, gregarious beetle larvae were messy eaters.
  • Abundant this year was water speedwell, a tiny but pretty thing.
  • I'd never noticed one of the low bush blueberries before.
  • Invasive garden escapee forget-me-not was filling the wet areas in the back of the 'Glen.
  • The pale-marked angle was a familiar inch worm moth.
  • Last week, Indian cucumber root, a tiny lily, had started blooming.
  • Near the kiosk, diervilla, a native honeysuckle family member, had just started blooming.
  • Deeper along the path, swamp azalea was still going after several weeks.
  • Some of the branches bore large, irregular galls.
  • Back at the beginning of the path around the pond, golden Alexanders were still blooming.
  • At the back of the pond, angelica had grown to a great size in a short time.
  • Carrion flower was sprawling along the railing and would be blooming by next week.
  • Dragonflies had been back for a while and a female common whitetail was sunning on the railing.
  • Out on the Cary Pines Trail, maple-leaved viburnum was in full bloom. It still had a way to go in the 'Glen
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek side of the trail system.
1 Red-tailed Hawk1 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail1 Pale-marked angle1 Diervilla
1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo1 American Copper1 Honewort
1 Chimney Swift3 Spring Azure1 Maple-leaved viburnum
1 Northern Flicker1 Red Admiral1 Penstemon
1 Eastern Phoebe7 Little Wood-Satyr1 Sheep laurel
1 Great Crested Flycatcher1 Monarch
1 Eastern Kingbird5 Zabulon Skipper
1 Warbling Vireo
1 Red-eyed Vireo
1 Blue Jay
1 Tree Swallow
1 Black-capped Chickadee
3 Veery
1 Wood Thrush
3 American Robin
1 Cedar Waxwing
3 Pine Warbler
1 Prairie Warbler
4 Ovenbird
1 Louisiana Waterthrush
1 Scarlet Tanager
2 Eastern Towhee
4 Chipping Sparrow
2 Northern Cardinal
2 Indigo Bunting
1 Common Grackle
1 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 Baltimore Oriole
3 American Goldfinch