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July 31, 2013

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 75°F and partly cloudy with light breezes at 1:30 PM on July 31, 2013.
  • The common ringlet's 2nd brood was starting up.
  • Cardinal flower was beginning to bloom in the Fern Glen.
  • Mosquitoes were still annoying throughout the trails.

The Trails

  • Something looked different as I headed down the Scotch Pine Alleé .
  • Research apparatus along the trail served as an explaination of the No Pets sign.
  • The bottom of the Old Gravel Pit was dry today but I was not going to linger figuring the mosquitoes would be thick here.
  • Unfortunately I saw something orange alight upon a fallen tree trunk.
  • I had to find out and it was a question mark.
  • In the greenery below was one of my favorites: a clymene moth.
  • The mosquitoes were as bad as expected; I hurried on to the the Fern Glen where black cohosh was beginning to bloom.
  • Lighting and mood were better this week for capturing the wood nettle.
  • Its female flowers form at the top, the male below.
  • At the front of the pond, Joe-pye weed was mighty tall; its flowers were just beginning to open.
  • Below it, spotted jewelweed was starting up too.
  • Elderberry can get pretty big. Its berries were starting to ripen.
  • Hidden between all these big things was some swamp milkweed. Pearl crescents however had no problem finding it.
  • Along the path on the other side of the kiosk was the amazing red of fresh cardinal flower.
  • Back in the shrub swamp, the more subtle horse balm was starting to bloom.
  • At the boardwalk in the fen, the recent arrival, climbing hempweed was getting ready to bloom.
  • I'd left the Glen and had started down the Cary Pines Trail when something bumble-bee-like fled before me dropping something in its wake. I expected to find a dead bumble bee, but it was a good sized beetle. It must have been a bumble bee mimicing robber fly. I've noted them before along here.
  • Up ahead, a spot on a log caught my eye. It was a grasshopper. That seemed odd in the deep woods.
  • Along the Wappinger Creek Trail, I was subjected to the familiar challenge and retreat of a northern pearly-eye.
  • A little beyond was the opportunity to test the new camera on a jewelbox spider in its web. Not quite as awkward as before, but still...
  • In the back Old Hayfield was the amazing find of a hummingbird clearwing at rest!
  • I love wild bergamot because butterflies, like the spicebush swallowtail, do too. The male below was in love with the female above.
  • There's is something soothing about that section of the Sedge Meadow Trail nearest the front Old Hayfield... the lush green, the quiet...
  • The first goldenrods were turning in the front Old Hayfield.
  • And a huge tiger swallowtail finished my walk. How could I resist a photo?