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July 27, 2021

Frost's Bolete

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 85°F, partly cloudy and breezy at 1:30 PM on July 27, 2021.
  • Butterflies were out in number today, notably tiger swallowtails, but bird activity was low.
  • New flowers were few, but wild bergamot was still going strong and there was still some common milkweed blooming.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • It was a surprise to find some common milkweed still blooming behind Gifford House.
  • Several monarchs found it too.
  • The path into the Old Hayfield had been recently mowed.
  • Indeed, only a moment ago.
  • The wild bergamot was open for business, but strangely unattended.
  • Regulars eventually drifted in starting with hummingbird clearwing.
  • Of course silver-spotted skipper showed up.
  • And great spangled fritillary stopped in.
  • A red-bellied woodpecker was buried in ripening cherries over the Sedge Meadow Trail.
  • Goldenrod was getting ready to bloom below.
  • The cool shade of the boardwalk was welcome by now.
  • The view of the Sedge Meadow was getting crowded.
  • Invasive purple loosestrife was the main culpret, but it was beginning to flower and that attracts a few insects including silver-spotted skipper.
  • Joe-Pye weed would soon be opening its buds.
  • The back Old Hayfield was busy with butterflies.
  • Eastern tiger swallowtails were looking very fresh.
  • Common wood-nymphs were plentiful and active - one finally perched and leaned over to soak up some sun.
  • New to this field was thimbleweed. It had already flowered and was forming its namesake fruit.
  • Shade in the back of the field was welcome, but not usually to butterflies.
  • None the less, a large tiger swallowtail ventured in and gave a great view of its upper side.
  • Out in the open again, a well worn eastern tailed-blue perched with wings open to receive some sun.
  • Back on the Sedge Meadow Trail, something darted out, circled, then landed on a leaf in the sun. It took several tries get it in the lens.
  • It was a northern pearly-eye. They've been hard to find this year.
  • Banded hairstreaks were down to one last week; none was expected this week, but the "usual spot" in the Old Pasture had one - a female at that. Males' forelegs are reduced and not usually obvious - she was using all six.
  • The forest of red chanterelles above the Wappinger Creek had expanded a little.
  • A search in a usual haunt of the northern pearly-eye turned up one.
  • Again, even with a clear landing on a tree trunk, it took several attempts to get it in the lens.
  • However, the full creek below was easy to locate.
  • A screaming red mushroom was hard to miss.
  • Again, something rose from the trail, circled, and dropped back into a seedling in a sunny patch.
  • It was an eastern comma.
  • This one had been around for a while and was apparently the survivor of a bird attack.
  • As the trail descended towards the floodplain, afternoon sunlight angled into the water of the Wappinger Creek.
  • Off the side of the trail, enchanter's nightshade was waiting for a passing pant leg. The sticky little fruit are so easy to remove compared to others, it's almost a pleasure to find them on one's socks.
  • Wood nettle is another matter. It is not as common as stinging nettle, but it is as easily remembered...
  • The ground seemed to move in front of the last little foot bridge.
  • It was a good size bull frog that had ventured several leaps away from the edge of the creek.
  • A little time at the bench at the "Appendix" yielded no banded hairstreaks at this earlier hot spot.
  • But the burrowing wasp mounds were still active.
  • On the way out, the light was perfect on a little spotted wintergreen.
  • Next week: the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.


  • 2 Red-bellied Woodpecker
  • 1 Downy Woodpecker
  • 1 Eastern Wood-Pewee
  • 1 White-breasted Nuthatch
  • 2 House Wren
  • 1 Veery
  • 1 Wood Thrush
  • 9 American Robin
  • 3 Gray Catbird
  • 1 Cedar Waxwing
  • 1 Louisiana Waterthrush
  • 1 Common Yellowthroat
  • 1 Scarlet Tanager
  • 4 Eastern Towhee
  • 1 Song Sparrow
  • 1 Northern Cardinal
  • 6 American Goldfinch
  • 1 Downy rattlesnake plantain
  • 1 Goldenrod
  • 1 Purple loosestrife
  • 1 Thimbleweed
  • 1 Wood nettle
  • 10 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
  • 46 Cabbage White
  • 3 Clouded Sulphur
  • 1 Banded Hairstreak
  • 1 Eastern Tailed-Blue
  • 10 Great Spangled Fritillary
  • 54 Pearl Crescent
  • 1 Eastern Comma
  • 2 Northern Pearly-eye
  • 2 Appalachian Brown
  • 2 Common Ringlet
  • 15 Common Wood-Nymph
  • 6 Monarch
  • 21 Silver-spotted Skipper
  • 18 Northern Broken-Dash
  • 1 Mulberry Wing
  • 19 Dun Skipper
  • 5 Hummingbird Clearwing
  • 4 Snowberry Clearwing