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July 20, 2022

Square-stemmed monkeyflower

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 87°F, partly cloudy and breezy on July 20, 2022.
  • But it felt like 97 out in the sun.
  • A few short cuts were taken to avoid the sun today.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • It looked like a long walk down the sun baked Carriage House drive.
  • However, at the edge of the parking lot, a patch of day lilies was thriving.
  • And there was actually a moist spot on the drive that pearl crescents were attending.
  • Back by the Carriage House, green-headed coneflower had started blooming.
  • Pokeweed was not so flamboyant.
  • Surprise, what I had assumed was an eastern comma was actually a small question mark.
  • The Little Bluestem Meadow's spreading dogbane that had been mowed down earlier in the season had made a come back - if a little short.
  • At the top of the Fern Glen, tall bellflower was blooming.
  • Along side the pond, Turk's-cap lily was putting on a nice show this year with at least five blossoms.
  • The pond's water was clear and the water striders seemed to be having a convention.
  • Dogwood sawfly larvae were back. Having too many "legs" distinguishes them from real caterpillars.
  • Swamp milkweed had started blooming on both sides of the boardwalk through the fen.
  • Off the left side, shrubby St. Johnswort (I think) was blooming.
  • Straight off the end Square-stemmed monkeyflower was still going from the week before.
  • The little, alien, orchis family member, helleborine, always seem secretive.
  • Even in bloom, its pale flowers are understated.
  • Horsebalm was just starting along the way out of the fen. Check for the elusive lemony smell of the blossoms and leaves.
  • Well after the leaves have disappeared, the flower of ramps appears.
  • Out on the Cary Pines trail, something different darted across the path, too big and dark for the usual suspects. The hot pink of one of the Catocala underwing moths was easy to spot.
  • In short order, one had to know exactly where to look.
  • Another blur in front of the face, this time a dragonfly.
  • It hadn't been too bad in the woods as the temperature climbed out in the open, and the sight of the Wappinger Creek was refreshing from the bench at the "Appendix".
  • And it was nice to see that the little burrowing wasps were back making homes in the sandy soil.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail the side of the trail system.


  • 2 Eastern Wood-Pewee
  • 1 Red-eyed Vireo
  • 3 Black-capped Chickadee
  • 1 Tufted Titmouse
  • 1 White-breasted Nuthatch
  • 1 American Robin
  • 1 Gray Catbird
  • 1 Pine Warbler
  • 1 Scarlet Tanager
  • 6 Chipping Sparrow
  • 2 Field Sparrow
  • 2 Red-winged Blackbird
  • 3 American Goldfinch
  • 1 Day lily
  • 1 Green-headed coneflower
  • 1 Helleborine
  • 1 Ramps flowers
  • 1 Swamp milkweed
  • 1 Tall bellflower
  • 1 Turk's-cap lily
  • 1 Cabbage White
  • 1 Clouded Sulphur
  • 4 Great Spangled Fritillary
  • 8 Pearl Crescent
  • 1 Question Mark
  • 1 Red-spotted Purple
  • 9 Common Wood-Nymph
  • 1 Monarch
  • 1 Silver-spotted Skipper
  • 3 Dun Skipper
  • 1 Catocala Underwing
  • 1 Dogwood Sawfly