Common Wood-nymph
Notes and Changes since last report
- It was 75°F mostly cloudy and calm at 1:15 PM on July 15, 2020.
- This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
- It cleared up and warmed up through the afternoon.
- In butterfly news, big satyrs were still around, and special skipper visitors were mulberry wing and black dash.
The Trails
- The Cary Pines Trail had been quiet, but the sun was out over the Norway Spruce Glade - the little hillside along the road above the Fern Glen.
- Wild basil was attracting small butterflies and the broad leaves of poison ivy were great perches for sun bathing for a variety of insects...
- ... including a bumble bee mimicking robber fly.
- A fresh common wood-nymph was a study in brown.
- Inside the Fern Glen proper, tall bellflower was in bloom.
- Great St. Johnswort had been blooming since last week and was on its way out.
- Lopseed flowers, when pollinated, hinge - or lop - down.
- ... unless deer browse - or lop - them off.
- The red lily leaf beetles have eaten holes in our Turk's cap lily.
- Repeated removal of said bugs may yet spare the flowers, still in bud.
- Culver's root, along the pond, has been on the brink of opening for at least a week.
- At the back of the pond, sweet pepperbush almost made a tunnel.
- These blossoms can remain on the brink of blooming for weeks too, as I recall.
- Out in the fen, swamp milkweed was blooming well while common milkweed had moved on to forming seed pods.
- Chewed leaves and a sleeping sawfly larva may well have a connection.
- And perhaps the face-like markings on the tail end are not coincidence.
- At the end of the observation platform was a hint of blue.
- It was our tiny colony of square-stemmed monkey flower - so called for another apparent face.
- Spotted wintergreen was definitely blooming today - there was some doubt last time.
- A good size oak came down near the new deck, fortunately falling in the other direction.
- The impressive root ball had not been deep but rather wide spread.
- It only took out one piece of railing but did flatten out quite an area where the tree tops landed.
- On the way out of the 'Glen, easy to miss daisy fleabane was blooming.
- Just past it, spikenard didn't seem as big as usual.
- None the less, it was blooming now.
- The rest of Cary Pines Trail was quiet until it let out into the Little Bluestem Meadow.
- In spite of the shade, the dogbane was active with an American copper out in the middle of it all.
- Along with countless skippers, a snowberry clearwing - one of the sphinx moths - was very busy probing for nectar.
- Up in one of the trees of the Scots Pine Allée, a juvenile male yellow-bellied sapsucker was just starting to show some red throat feathers.
- Next week: The Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
| Butterflies