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July 13, 2016

  • It was 85°F and mostly cloudy and windy at 11:00 AM on July 13, 2016.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
  • The dogbane patch in the Little Bluestem Meadow was the butterfly hot spot today.
  • One long running Fern Glen mystery has been solved while another has surfaced.
  • The aphrodite fritillary made a rare appearance in the Fern Glen today.

The Trails

  • The forecasted heat and humidity called for an early start, but there's no avoiding the peak, so what's the point?
  • A cheerful yellow day lily variety was at one side of the Gifford trail head.
  • On the other side was a tattered musk mallow.
  • I'm quick to blame the deer, but it could well have been a ground hog. At least there were still blossoms left.
  • Something large, black and blue worked the road past the Carriage House. We caught up on some wild basil off the Scots Pine Alleé - it was a female black swallowtail.
  • The big patch of spreading dogbane at the back of the Little Bluestem Meadow was doing great.
  • It hosted two eastern tiger swallowtails, a dozen each of great spangled fritillaries and silver-spotted skippers, half a dozen common wood-nymphs, and a smattering of various grass skippers.
  • In the Fern Glen's Howard Roeller bed, great St. John'swort had started blooming.
  • Likewise, the tall bellflower.
  • Off the high side of the limestone cobble, at a point between flowering and fruiting, stood Valeriana alliariaefolia. This has been a mystery for my dozen years here. A little project - not mine - turned up its ID and source: Russia.
  • On the bottom side of the cobble, familiar old daisy fleabane was blooming.
  • In between, where the deer allowed, lopseed, with its minute, hinged blossoms was blooming.
  • Towards the back of the pond, a lesser maple spanworm moth was just hanging out.
  • Above, summer-sweet or clethra, was getting ready to bloom.
  • Along the side of the pond, Culver's root was blooming.
  • At the front, just a couple spotted jewelweed were open.
  • The lizard's tail and wild mint were both going strong now.
  • Back in the poor fen was a St. John'swort. I thought I had it figured out a couple years ago when it appeared, but now I don't know. The flowers are too large for one kind, with the pistil wrong for the other... a mystery.
  • But then a different looking fritillary landed on swamp milkweed. It was so dark, the silver spots stood out with striking contrast when the sun was right.
  • It was the aphrodite fritillary. Fortune allowed a side-by-side comparison with a great spangled.
  • That made my day! 2010 was the last time I'd seen one here.
  • Helleborine was up in a few places.
  • It's a little, alien orchid with green blossoms.
  • Our native spotted wintergreen is pretty strange too.
  • A few spring azures, or summer azures, were flying around the deck.
  • It's always cool at the deck, and an effort to leave on a day this warm...
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
1 Mourning Dove1 Black Swallowtail1 Hummingbird Clearwing1 Culver's-root
2 Eastern Phoebe2 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail1 Lesser maple spanworm moth1 Great St. Johnswort
1 Eastern Kingbird2 Cabbage White1 Helleborine
5 Red-eyed Vireo3 Spring Azure1 Lopseed
1 Blue Jay23 Great Spangled Fritillary1 Musk mallow
1 Black-capped Chickadee1 Aphrodite Fritillary1 Spotted jewelweed
5 Tufted Titmouse2 Pearl Crescent1 Spotted wintergreen
1 White-breasted Nuthatch5 Little Wood-Satyr1 St. Johnswort different...
1 American Robin10 Common Wood-Nymph1 Summer-sweet
2 Gray Catbird16 Silver-spotted Skipper1 Tall bellflower
1 Cedar Waxwing2 Northern Broken-Dash
1 Louisiana Waterthrush1 Delaware Skipper
1 Scarlet Tanager5 Dun Skipper
2 Eastern Towhee
1 Chipping Sparrow
3 Field Sparrow
1 Song Sparrow
1 Indigo Bunting
3 American Goldfinch