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August 30, 2017

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 72°F, partly cloudy, and calm at 3:00 PM on August 23, 2017.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
  • Late season caterpillars have been showing up, e.g., hickory tussock moth caterpillar.
  • And butterflies have been slowing down.

The Trails

  • It was beautiful with cool air and warm sun as I looked back towards the Old Hayfield at Gifford House.
  • A cool afternoon made for few butterflies in the Little Bluestem Meadow.
  • That late version of black cohosh was at the Fern Glen entrance.
  • Differences in the flower compared to the earlier are hard to pick out without a lens.
  • Along the pond, bottle gentian was blooming - maybe. That's as far as it gets.
  • Groundnut, that enthusiastic vine between the kiosk and pond, was blooming today.
  • Back by the bridge, sneezeweed was blooming too.
  • Several least skippers were interacting and perching on jewelweed in the sun.
  • Towering above them, NY ironweed was doing well.
  • These blossoms can be attractive to butterflies, but not right then...
  • At the back of the pond, sweet pepperbush was blooming - I thought it did already... I guess not.
  • Back off the fen boardwalk, bittersweet nightshade berries were just beyond ripe.
  • All around, in and out of the wetlands, rough-leaved goldenrod was blooming. The big basal leaves and habitat make this goldenrod easy to ID.
  • Shape, texture and posture of the pods are distinct from common milkweed.
  • Purple-leaved willow herb doesn't look like much.
  • Closer examination reveals a tiny pink - turning to white - flower with its base looking like a long pod.
  • Around the corner, turtlehead was doing well.
  • Near the Shrub Swamp plaque, was what looked like a young giant puffball.
  • No, it was a big mushroom.
  • It was a quiet walk to the "Appendix", where a hemlock looper moth fluttered by and landed on a hemlock twig.
  • Back at Gifford parking lot I remembered to check last week's monarch chrysalis - I didn't expect much more.
  • Getting ready to leave, I noticed I had a hitchhiker: a snowberry clearwing caterpillar. I found a honeysuckle bush for it and was gone.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
1 Pileated Woodpecker1 Cabbage White1 Hemlock looper moth1 Snowberry clearwing1 Bottle gentian
2 Eastern Phoebe4 Clouded Sulphur1 Groundnut
2 Blue Jay2 Orange Sulphur1 Sweet pepperbush
5 Black-capped Chickadee2 Least Skipper
1 White-breasted Nuthatch
1 American Robin
1 Eastern Towhee