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August 25, 2021

Robber Fly

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 84°F, mostly clear, calm and humid at 2:00 PM on August 25, 2021.
  • The edge of Hurricane Henri left a couple inches of rain over the last several days.
  • Birds and butterflies were quiet today, but little black flies out in the fields were attracted to eyes and ears.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • The front Old Hayfield had been mowed the week before.
  • Goldenrods were following Joe-Pye weed's schedule in the Sedge Meadow.
  • Smaller than the shad flies of spring, something was most annoying in back Old Hayfield, fortunately not so much in the shade.
  • Along the side of the field, Japanese barberry was taking on an impressionistic aura.
  • So humid was it that even in late afternoon, spider webs were still covered with dew.
  • A few common ringlets were weaving through the grasses.
  • Back on the Sedge Meadow Trail, pausing by a spider web did not reduce the flies around my head.
  • Something moved in a sunny patch ahead on the trail.
  • It was not the typical eastern comma but a silver-spotted skipper.
  • A small commotion in the grass in front of the bench in the Old Pasture was from a robber fly.
  • The Wappinger Creek was full but not crazy considering all the rain from Henri.
  • Farther along, a tiny orange mushroom was errupting from the edge of the path.
  • A colony of coral fungus was spreading along a rise in the trail.
  • Something dropped into a patch of sun.
  • Surprise, not a little wood-satyr, but another common ringlet. They are seldom seen in the woods like this.
  • Invasive Japanese stilt grass on the other hand, can be found in sun or shade, wet or dry.
  • Every once in a while there is a decidedly green mushroom.
  • After two weeks of observation, the puffball spot was recognizable, but there was only bare dirt...
  • Flipping over the dirt ball revealed the two slightly flattened puffballs. The rains must have loosened the soil enough for it to shift.
  • Next week: the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.


  • 2 Mourning Dove
  • 2 Eastern Wood-Pewee
  • 1 Blue Jay
  • 2 House Wren
  • 1 American Robin
  • 2 Gray Catbird
  • 1 Scarlet Tanager
  • 4 Eastern Towhee
  • 5 American Goldfinch
  • 1 Snowberry Clearwing
  • 16 Cabbage White
  • 5 Clouded Sulphur
  • 1 Orange Sulphur
  • 2 Eastern Tailed-Blue
  • 1 Spring Azure
  • 4 Great Spangled Fritillary
  • 2 Meadow Fritillary
  • 4 Pearl Crescent
  • 3 Common Ringlet
  • 5 Common Wood-Nymph
  • 11 Silver-spotted Skipper
  • 2 Least Skipper
  • 2 Zabulon Skipper