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August 21, 2018

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 76°F, breezy and partly cloudy 1:30 PM on August 21, 2018.
  • Threat of rain tomorrow and a calendar change today made for an early walk this week.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
  • Zabulon skippers were out in several locations today.

The Trails

  • At the Gifford House trail head, common milkweed seed pods were growing large.
  • Pokeweed berries swelling too.
  • Across the Old Hayfield goldenrods were joining in to tell us summer has been moving along.
  • The second brood of common ringlet continued to grow this week.
  • The unusual feather-legged fly was out in both Old Hayfields. Its larva is a parasitoid of true bugs.
  • Goldenrod bunch galls were everywhere once you notice them.
  • The white edge of the hindwing identifies the female zabulon skipper.
  • It stands out better in the more standard view.
  • Several males were not far away.
  • A mature monarch caterpillar was lounging on a milkweed leaf.
  • A tawny-edged skipper was down below among the wild basil and spotted knapweed.
  • If that weren't interesting enough, a gray hairstreak passed through.
  • One last arrival to the party by the old spring house was an adult monarch.
  • On the Sedge Meadow Trail, gray dogwood berries were another sign of late summer - they used to be ammunition at the school bus stop.
  • Turtlehead was blooming inspite of its leaves having been thoroughly eaten.
  • The intricately patterned common willow calligrapha was on purple loosestrife.
  • I could hear the wood thrush before I could see it - but I did see it.
  • Along the path, white snakeroot was just beginning to bloom.
  • At the creek side of the Old Pasture, mushrooms were coming up out of the path.
  • The creek was full after all the rain of late.
  • This corner of the woods was full of mushrooms.
  • One large one stood out with just a few bites out of it.
  • A red one was hiding behind a log.
  • Next week: the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.