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August 15, 2012

Notes and changes since last report:

  • 77°F, partly cloudy and calm at 13:30 AM, turning cloudy and breezy.
  • It was a day of one thing leading to another.
  • One butterfly today was a first of the season for me.
  • Another was new to my list for Cary.

The Trails

  • Right at the edge of the Gifford House parking lot was a hickory tussock moth caterpillar. Handsome and common every year.
  • The goldenrods that were starting in the front Old Hayfield last week were cranking up this week.
  • A pair of American goldfinch was in the spotted knapweed and allowed me to get fairly close.
  • Dark clumps of goldenrod leaves dotted the field. We're used to galls being extra plant growth promoted by a larva within. Here the goldenrod midge inhibits stem growth between the leaves, which continue to form normally but bunched together to form a nursery.
  • As I was leaving this field, something too large and fast caught my eye. A common buckeye! They were indeed common last year and I'd hoped to see a few this year. Til now there'd only been a report of one on the grounds a couple weeks ago.
  • While chasing that for a photo, I was interrupted by two skippers arguing. I'd noted the Peck's before, but the new comer had a bit more yellow than the zabulon I first took it for... it was a fiery skipper, male. This is a southern species that has been reported in the area for a couple years now. This was a new one for my list at Cary.
  • After chasing that for a while I continued on to the Sedge Meadow Trail where a lacewing posed very obligingly. I'd just noticed its stalk mounted eggs when it came into view. Its larva resembles that of the ladybug - a little alligator famous for eating aphids.
  • Behind the Sedge Meadow, a male zabulon skipper perched in a patch of sun right in front of me. I couldn't refuse. And now we can go back and compare the fiery skipper...
  • White snakeroot was beginning to bloom. This "enthusiastic" native doesn't seem quite as dense as usual this year.
  • In the Old Pasture, gray dogwood berries were ripening. I remember these fondly (now...) as ammunition at the school bus stop.
  • Along the Wappinger Creek Trail, another tussock moth caterpillar stood out against the truck of a tree: the definite tussock moth. The female moth is wingless. The young caterpillars, like some spiders, sail away on a strand of silk.
  • Fungi were popping up in small numbers in many places.
  • A pair of carolina wrens challenged me as I went through the flood plain.
  • At the Fern Glen pond, ostrich fern gave a tropical look.
  • I zoomed in on the painted turtle and bull frog on the mat of hornwort.
  • Along the edge of the pond, elderberry was ripening.
  • And bottle gentian was blooming - yes, that's it.
  • Also present was Virginia knotweed or jumpseed - referring to the vigorous departure of the little seeds when brushed against.
  • Sneezeweed was now in full bloom at the back of the pond. At first I didn't recognize a red cultivated variety in a friend's garden until its elegant name, Helenium, started to ring a bell.
  • Then I became aware that all around it spicebush berries were beginning to turn.
  • And in the middle of all of them I noticed our almost forgotten wahoo - a native Euonymous.
  • "Why are those leaves stuck together?" I wondered, "There on the left..." A silver-spotted skipper caterpillar was in there!
  • All the way at the back of the pond were more red berries - Jack-in-the-pulpit. And with one of the stink bug nymphs that we have been seeing in such numbers this year.
  • On the other side of the pond, great lobelia was lining the path...
  • ...the path out and back home.