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August 08, 2018

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 84°F, windy, humid and partly cloudy 12:45 PM on August 8, 2018.
  • It would cloud over and even sprinkle before the end of the walk.
  • This week's trail report covers the Wappinger Creek Trail Trail side of the trail system.
  • A giant swallowtail was here today, perhaps the same one from the weekend.

The Trails

  • It wasn't that hot, but the humididty made the shade especially appealing today.
  • Right there at the beginning of the trail in the Old Hayfield was a pair of green mushrooms.
  • Out in the field was a giant swallowtail - perhaps the one that made Saturday's annual butterfly walk special.
  • A view from the side showed quite a notch in the left hindwing. The first thought is always, bird bite?
  • This one was feeding on invasive spotted knappweed.
  • It finally turned to give a fair view of the top side of the wings.
  • From a welcome shady spot, a scruffy scarlet tanager was visible.
  • In the goldenrods below, a large, black wasp was busy.
  • The blue sheen suggested it was the familiar mud dauber.
  • In the shade of poison ivy was a mushroom just about the size of a dinner plate.
  • A little farther in was a great spangled fritillary feeding on wild bergamot. Butterflies can be more approachable when they are busy feeding, especially when the face if buried in a flower!
  • Hummingbird clearwings were working the bergamot, too.
  • These day flying members of the sphinx moth family are also calm if they are feeding and come near you. But any creature knows when it is being followed and the impatient photographer is lucky to get a departing shot.
  • Suddenly coming upon a garden spider can be exciting.
  • A fast, 3/4 scale monarch attracted attention - it was indeed a viceroy.
  • As the clouds came out, so too did the mushrooms, it seemed.
  • Careful footwork was necessary to get to the bench in the Old Pasture.
  • Sudden recognition struck as the trail dipped towards the creek: pancakes - they looked just like pancakes.
  • Some mushrooms were unappetizing just because of their smell.
  • One resembling a red potato was just poking up through the leaf litter.
  • The range of colors included bright yellow.
  • One last one looked like a snowman in the making. It would be interesting to see this one tomorrow.
  • Next week: the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
1 Great Blue Heron1 Giant Swallowtail3 Hummingbird Clearwing
1 Turkey Vulture2 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail3 Snowberry Clearwing
1 Red-tailed Hawk2 Spicebush Swallowtail1 White-striped Black
1 Downy Woodpecker17 Cabbage White
1 Eastern Wood-Pewee19 Clouded Sulphur
1 Eastern Phoebe2 Eastern Tailed-Blue
1 Red-eyed Vireo14 Great Spangled Fritillary
1 Blue Jay3 Meadow Fritillary
1 Common Raven49 Pearl Crescent
1 Black-capped Chickadee1 Viceroy
2 White-breasted Nuthatch1 Northern Pearly-eye
3 Gray Catbird7 Common Ringlet
1 Common Yellowthroat10 Common Wood-Nymph
1 Scarlet Tanager10 Monarch
2 Eastern Towhee39 Silver-spotted Skipper
1 Field Sparrow3 Least Skipper
1 Northern Cardinal6 Northern Broken-Dash
1 Baltimore Oriole
3 American Goldfinch