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August 07, 2013

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 70°F, cloudy and windy at 1:45 PM on August 07, 2013.
  • The new camera did a nice job today.
  • Gray and windy wasn't the best for butterflies, but it was warm enough.
  • Mosquitoes were not quite as annoying as they have been.

The Trails

  • In the front Old Hayfield, a constant chip was coming from a bird out in front.
  • New camera's zoom did a nice job helping verify it was a female common yellowthroat.
  • More chipping off to the side was from the male.
  • He was much more out in the open than she.
  • I wasn't sure if they were chipping amongst themselves or at me. Not wishing to disturb a possible nest, I moved on.
  • Not very far away was another nest I did not wish to disturb: hornets. Another fine job by the camera.
  • Easing my way around that, I thought I noticed a least skipper.
  • Indeed there were several. Where did I see them last week? It was again unusual for them in that it was not a wet location. Compare its size to the "sour clover" and grass blade.
  • I've always seen browning locust trees and I've know the locust leaf miner beetle, but only now, in the back Old Hayfield, have I seen them together.
  • An occasional sighting is the female zabulon skipper. The diagnostic white edge of the hind wing apex is just visible.
  • Something big zoomed by: a galium sphinx. The caterpillar feeds on Galium - bedstraw.
  • On the way out I noticed a fly being attended by a spider... while a scorpionfly helped itself to a previous catch.
  • Along the Sedge Meadow Trail something buzzed me. Appalachian browns have been out along here, but that's northern pearly-eye behaviour. It finally landed... aye, it was an eye.
  • Running short on time, I ran through the Old Pasture pausing just long enough to snap the cicada exuvia that I somehow spotted.
  • The mosquitoes helped me keep up the pace along the Wappinger Creek Trail, but at the "Appendix", as I like to call the area around trail marker 10, I had to investigate a harsh, raspy cry. A great blue heron was around recently, but that's more of a croak. Green heron would be closer, but not as shrill as this. Something big went up high into a sycamore. Camera said it was a great horned owl.
  • With an appointment to keep I had to cruise - no more time for sightseeing. But we sure had some sights today.