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April 24, 2019

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 62°F, mostly clear and breezy at 2:00 PM on April 24, 2019.
  • Last week featured 13 new flowers - this week 16.
  • Cabbage white was the returning butterfly today.
  • This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.

The Trails

  • Each week the Old Hayfield at Gifford House has looked greener - and now the trees in the distance were blooming or leafing out.
  • Bradford pear had joined the Magnolias in blooming.
  • The magnolia was looking even a little fuller than last week.
  • Behind it, sugar maple leaves and blossoms were making the fuzzy green back drop.
  • At the edge of the Little Bluestem Meadow, an eastern comma was basking out of the wind...
  • ...right by a patch of stinging nettles, a favorite plant to lay eggs on.
  • It's always a nice view across the Little Bluestem Meadow.
  • At the end of the Scots Pine Allée Canada mayflower was pushing up leaves.
  • In the Old Gravel Pit, red maple had finished flowering and was putting out leaves.
  • Towards the Fern Glen end of the trail, hay-scented fern was coming up.
  • Finally a spring azure settled down for a moment in the sun.
  • At the top of the Fern Glen, blooming hobblebush was a surprise.
  • Farther along the edge, wild oats were out.
  • Crazy, tiny miterwort was scattered around the area.
  • In the limestone cobble, large-flowered bellwort was in big stands.
  • Early meadow-rue was looking like little lamp shades.
  • Red trillium didn't seem as abundant as in other years.
  • Maidenhair fern would soon blanket the cobble.
  • Slow to get going, large-flowered trillium was finally fully open.
  • Mixed in with the spring beauty was just a couple cut-leaved toothwort.
  • Twinleaf goes quickly - some already had pods starting.
  • In the fen, shad bush looked like pieces of clouds.
  • Close up, the blossoms looked more like snowflakes.
  • Looking like a dinosaur, a snapping turtle was lounging in a sunny patch.
  • Near the kiosk, umbrella-like may-apple was popping up out of the leaf litter.
  • Right behind the kiosk, the other toothwort we have was also up.
  • Mixed in with it was wood anemone.
  • Next week: the Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.
2 Eastern Phoebe1 Cabbage White1 Snapping turtle1 Bradford pear
1 Blue-headed Vireo4 Spring Azure1 Cut-leaved toothwort
1 American Crow1 Eastern Comma1 Early meadow-rue
1 Common Raven1 Hayscented fern
3 Black-capped Chickadee1 Hobble-bush
1 White-breasted Nuthatch1 Large-flowered bellwort
1 Winter Wren1 Miterwort
2 American Robin1 Red trillium
1 Pine Warbler1 Shad bush
1 Louisiana Waterthrush1 Sugar maple
1 Eastern Towhee1 Toothwort
1 Chipping Sparrow1 Twinleaf
1 Field Sparrow1 Wild oats
1 Brown-headed Cowbird1 Wood anemone