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April 23, 2014

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 58°F with occasional sprinkles at 2:00 PM on April 23, 2014.
  • The walk started in the Fern Glen.
  • New things were still blooming or coming up every day now.
  • Birds were quiet today.

The Trails

  • In the Howard Roeller Bed, wild ginger was blooming while the leaves were unfurling.
  • A little deeper in, an alien corydalis was blooming .
  • Farther uphill, false rue anemone was up and starting to bud.
  • At the top of the bed, hobblebush flower clusters were forming.
  • Its new leaves looked like some sort of creature from another planet.
  • In spite of the fence around this bed over the winter, deer still got at a young hemlock.
  • And this poor striped maple barely survived being used as a "deer rub" the year before only to get chewed up this winter.
  • Along the limestone cobble, rue anemone had come up and started blooming.
  • Everywhere maidenhair fern fiddleheads were rising from between the rocks.
  • Twinleaf was coming up along side with buds that should be opening in a couple days.
  • Already opening was large-flowered bellwort .
  • Along the edge of the pond was a large-flowered trillium being enjoyed by a practicioner of both yoga and photography.
  • All around the pond and back in the fens, spicebush blossoms were beginning to open.
  • Behind the kiosk, false hellebore was getting big.
  • There too was one of the many patches of trout lily or dogtooth violet that was doing so well this year.
  • At the edge, wood anemone was up, but with few if any buds yet.
  • Mayapple is so much fun at every stage.
  • Back by the deck, yellow lady's-slipper shoots were poking up; those in the cobble were still hiding.
  • Across the road, azalea showed surprisingly little deer browse damage.
  • The American hazelnut, on the other hand, had been clobbered.
  • Higher branches, out of the nibble zone, were sporting male catkins just beginning to open. I didn't see any female flowers.
  • Because of their absence in the 'Glen, I was surprised to find the carpet of Canada mayflower coming up in its usual spot on the Cary Pines Trail.
  • Another surprise was the invasive Japanese primrose in the flood plane of the Wappinger Creek Trail.
  • The wet soils they prefer allows one to extract the extensive root system intact.
  • I had noticed their bright green lettuce-like leaves while getting an angle on a cut-leaved toothwort.
  • And just past that was another favorite plant to hate: narrow-leaved bittercress.
  • This seems to prefer moist, (calcium) rich soils, but will grow most anywhere; its roots make for a satisfying pull.
  • Lesser celendine was mentioned as flowering last week. But its spread along both sides of the trail was very obvious this week.
  • It was nice to see numerous patches and individuals of bloodroot as the trail rose higher and dryer.
  • Just before the rise to the bluff, tufts of Pennsylvania sedge were gracing the sides of the trail.
  • We don't often think of grasses as flowering plants - even less so of sedges. One needs only to get down on their knees to find a tiny marvel. Getting up may be another matter.
  • Up top in the Old Pasture, a little cherry stood out of the crowd with the first Eastern tent caterpillar nest of the season.
  • On the Sedge Meadow Trail, violets were popping up.
  • Along side was the alien creeping Charlie or ground ivy. Fun to pull up in long strings from the leaf litter, not so much fun from turf...
  • The familiar garlic mustard already had buds. Both have history in culinary and medicinal arts.
  • In the back of the back Old Hayfield, burning bush was budding up.
  • A surprise was a cocoon, just like those I usually find in spicebush. I still don't know who's inside.
  • Behind the Carriage House, the magnolia finally had some fully open blossoms.
  • This is usually the end of the trail, but having started in the Fern Glen, there was still the Old Gravel Pit to traverse. The bottom was still holding water.
  • I hope the next report will not be talking about mosquitos...