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April 17, 2019

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was 59°F, mostly clear and breezy at 12:30 PM on April 17, 2019.
  • Last week featured 3 new flowers - this week 12. We are off and running.
  • Spring azures and juniper hairstreaks were butterfly returns today.
  • This trail report covers the whole of the trail system.

The Trails

  • The grass in the front Old Hayfield was greener than last week.
  • Yellow-bellied sapsuckers were frequently heard, but seldom seen.
  • A number of raptors were soaring overhead. This looked like a juvnile bald eagle.
  • The red-tailed hawk that had been calling left the scene.
  • On the Sedge Meadow Trail, ground ivy was blooming.
  • a couple butterflies were darting around in the cedars.
  • Of course, they were juniper hairstreaks.
  • Occasionally they seemed attracted to galls on the branches. Likewise for some bees.
  • Finally a spring azure settled down in the sun long enough for a photo.
  • Out in the Sedge Meadow, a lone cattail from last year was shedding seed.
  • The benches came out this week, here in the back Old Hayfied and in the other usual places.
  • At the bottom of the big hill on the Wappinger Creek Trail, Pensylvania sedge was blooming.
  • Trout-lily was doing well enough this year.
  • Invasive lesser celendine was taking over down along the floodplain.
  • As the path came out above the Fern Glen, the Norway Spruce Glade stretched parallel to the road.
  • In there fat, furry bee flies were attending the myrtle.
  • At the Fern Glen proper, wild ginger was blooming in the Roeller Bed along the road.
  • Right at the entrance, rue-anemone was creeping out into the path.
  • Across in the limestone cobble, spring beauty was staying within the edging.
  • Blink and you miss bloodroot - it may be the shortest lasting flower here.
  • One of the longer lasting is large-flowered trillium.
  • The hepaticas were having a good year.
  • Carolina spring beauty has a broader leaf than the other.
  • It's easy to walk past leatherwood.
  • One has to look for the flower.
  • The leaves are the first part of ramps to appear; the flower follows after they are gone.
  • Except for the flower, American fly honeysuckle blends in with other small shrubs.
  • At the front of the pond, painted turtles were taking advantage of a low lying log.
  • On the way out of the Fern Glen, corydalis was blooming.
  • At the junction with the Cary Pines Trail, a bit of orange floated in a circle and disappeared into the sunny path.
  • It was an eastern comma, in fact there were two, each in its own sunyy spot.
  • Just past the commas, a small tree blocked the path.
  • It in turn had been felled by a larger tree.
  • Back at the Gifford Carriage House, the magnolia was doing very well.
  • The dirt road in the background had but one spring azure. Maybe more next week...
1 Bald Eagle2 'Olive' Juniper Hairstreak1 American fly honeysuckle
1 Red-shouldered Hawk11 Spring Azure1 Bloodroot
2 Red-tailed Hawk2 Eastern Comma1 Carolina spring beauty
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker1 Corydalis
4 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker1 Ground ivy
1 Northern Flicker1 Large-flowered trillium
1 Pileated Woodpecker1 Leatherwood
1 Eastern Phoebe1 Lesser celandine
6 Tree Swallow1 Oconee bells
9 Black-capped Chickadee1 Pennsylvania sedge
1 White-breasted Nuthatch1 Round-lobed hepatica
1 Carolina Wren1 Rue-anemone
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet1 Spring-beauty
3 Eastern Bluebird1 Trout-lily
4 American Robin1 Wild ginger
1 Pine Warbler
1 Louisiana Waterthrush
1 Eastern Towhee
1 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
2 Song Sparrow
1 Northern Cardinal
6 Red-winged Blackbird
5 House Finch