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April 17, 2013

Notes and Changes since last report

  • It was clear, 50°F and windy at 9:30 AM on April 17, 2013.
  • Yellow-rumped warblers and Louisiana waterthrush had returned.
  • Yellow-bellied sapsucker was an unusual find on the Wappinger Creek Trail.
  • In the Fern Glen Dutchman's breeches, bloodroot and trout-lily were now blooming.

The Trails

  • 9:30 was an early start for me, but in the front Old Hayfield two bluebirds were already busy defending their claim against 3 or 4 tree swallows. It looked like they would have a long day ahead of them.
  • By the Carriage House, magnolia were beginning to open.
  • Out in the Old Gravel Pit, maple were blossoming.
  • New arrivals in the Fern Glen included bloodroot, which seemed rather small this year.
  • Dutchman's breeches were prolific.
  • The single large-flowered trillium near the pond was about to bloom; I must remember the deer spray!
  • At the back of the pond, marsh marigold was blooming.
  • The lone American fly honesuckle that appeared a few years ago was budding up.
  • Along the other side of the road, American hazelnut catkins were dangling, but I forgot to look for the female flowers... next time.
  • It was nice that the hermit thrush was still on the Cary Pines Trail. Also nice was to hear two red-shouldered hawks overhead.
  • While tracking yellow-rumped warblers along the Wappinger Creek Trail, I noticed last year's seed balls still hanging in a sycamore.
  • It was also up there that I spotted the yellow-bellied sapsucker - only the 5th one I've seen in the 10 odd years on the trails.
  • Finally some of the trout-lily were blooming.
  • While searching sunny patches for butterflies, I found instead a garter snake.
  • In the Old Pasture, a palm warbler offered several close views.
  • Spicebush was beginning to blossom everywhere, but the most advanced was in the back Old Hayfield.
  • Along the Sedge Meadow Trail, the common lawn weed ground ivy or more picturesquely, creeping Charlie, was blooming.
  • The early arrival today allowed an early departure to pick up a late arrival at the airport.