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April 10, 2013

Notes and changes since last report

  • It was overcast, 60°F and calm at 3:00 PM on April 10, 2013.
  • Palm and pine warblers have returned as has the field sparrow.
  • In the Fern Glen hepatica, spring beauty, and colt's-foot were blooming with others moments away.
  • As for butterflies, the eastern comma was out.

The Trails

  • Along the Sedge Meadow Trail, honeysuckle bushes were just putting out their leaves.
  • As seen from the boardwalk over the swamp, skunk cabbage leaves were getting big.
  • The tunnel behind the Sedge Meadow was a good place to observe palm warblers and both kinglets.
  • The sun made a surprise appearance as I passed along the bluff above the Wappinger Creek.
  • At the bottom of the hill, patches of dogtooth violet - or trout-lily - leaves were up.
  • In the sandy flood plane farther along, the alien lesser celandine had started blooming.
  • At eye level, spicebush buds were swelling.
  • As if in a CSI episode, it was only in the digital darkroom that I noticed the spider lurking amongst said buds.
  • Japanese barberry too was leafing out.
  • From a sunny patch on the Cary Pines Trail, my first of the season eastern comma rose as I approached. This happens right here every year.
  • In the Fern Glen's limestone cobble, the race had begun. Hepatica was in the lead...
  • ... with spring beauty right on its heels.
  • Dutchman's breeches was following close behind...
  • ... with early meadow rue trailing behind.
  • How about one or two more of the hepatica? I love the fuzzy stems and sepals.
  • Deeper in the 'Glen, trillium and wild leek (or ramps) were thrusting up leaves.
  • At the edge of the pond lurked a bull frog, water striders and elusive newts.
  • Behind me at the kiosk was fresh litter. I hesitated to mention it, but litter is a problem in natural as well as urban areas. Keep America Beautiful's website, describes what it is, why it's bad, and what can be done about it. With the Wappinger Creek a stone's throw away, "ocean gyres" and "ocean garbage patches" came to mind. A NY Times article provides a good intro.
  • Back by the bridge, colt's-foot had finally opened.
  • Heading out through the Old Gravel pit, I heard the trill of the pine warbler; I'd been told it was back.
  • Behind the Carriage House, the Japanese cornelian cherry was filling out now.
  • Here too the magnolia buds were just starting to open.
  • All this in a week's time.